BMC Cymru launches manifesto for climbing and hill-walking

Posted by Elfyn Jones on 24/03/2021
Atop a Y Garn ridge overlooking Tryfan as the sunshine illuminates Llyn Idwal and Llyn Ogwen. Photo: Shutterstock

BMC Cymru, the Welsh arm of the BMC is really pleased to announce the launch of its “Manifesto for Climbing and Hillwalking in Wales”. Welsh people will be going to the polls for the Senedd elections on May 6th to vote for a new Government for Wales. It’s now more important than ever for our members to put forward the case for climbing and hill walking in Wales to Welsh politicians and legislators.

Most people are now very aware, especially after the impacts of Covid and the different regulations that are in place in the various devolved countries of the UK, that Wales has its own government and devolved responsibilities for many aspects of public life and legislation. The Senedd (or Welsh Parliament) is made up of 60 elected Members of the Senedd (MSs) who have full power and authority over virtually all aspects of legislation and policy that govern the interests and work areas of the BMC and its members in Wales.

This includes responsibility to create, amend, and enact all aspects of legislation in all areas of sports policy, tourism, conservation, protected landscapes, agriculture, health, education and crucially for climbers and hill walkers, all aspects of legislation affecting access to the countryside.

READ: Wales Lockdown Easing?

The BMC has, through its Welsh Access and Conservation Officer, had some success in influencing some of these policies, in particular, we hope that the new Government of Wales will soon enact new legislation that will extend the right of access, that we currently have to the hills and mountains of Wales, to the coast and cliffs of Wales.

However, the BMC’s voice and influence with the Welsh Government, has to date not been as loud as it could be, and the newly produced “Manifesto for Climbing and Hill-Walking for Wales” sets out the BMC’s five key asks of the new Welsh Government that will be in place after May 6th:

Bring the outdoors into parliament: we wish to form a Senedd Cross-Party Group for outdoor recreation.

Access to coast and countryside for all: informal access to our hills and mountains is vital for wellbeing, we want to see these rights protected and extended to the coast and adjacent land.

Sustainable management of Wales’ stunning land and seascapes: biodiverse, resilient ecosystems for the benefit of our communities, businesses, and future generations.

An active, healthy nation participating in outdoor activities: let’s give all Wales’ Welsh children the chance to enjoy outdoor activities from a young age, ensuring everyone in Wales benefits from better health and wellbeing.

Recognise the value of hillwalking and climbing: outdoor recreation is vital to the Welsh rural economy, contributing 1% of Welsh GDP. We want to empower local communities, businesses and individuals to benefit from Wales’ natural heritage.

Dr Neal Hockley, the Chair of BMC Cymru, representing over 7,000 climbers and hillwalkers across Wales, stated “I am delighted with our manifesto for the Senedd elections. The last year has shown how important our coast and countryside are to everyone in Wales, from daily exercise to weekend adventures. We have a vision of an active nation, where everyone can access Wales’ stunning coast and countryside from wherever they live, leading to improved health and wellbeing, and a revitalised economy”.

To help the BMC deliver this manifesto and to have positive influence on Welsh Government policy, the BMC is also pleased to announce that it has just appointed a new Policy and Campaigns Officer for Wales, who will be based in Cardiff to lead on the BMC’s work and to increase our profile in this important area. There will be more on this to follow.

We will also be providing more information to our members shortly on how they can help promote the manifesto to their local Senedd candidates. The manifesto was put together by consultants (Snowdonia Active) working with BMC staff and volunteers in Wales.

READ: The BMC Manifesto for Climbing and Hill-Walking

DARLLENWCH: Maniffesto BMC ar gyfer Dringo a Cherdded Mynydd

Mae BMC Cymru, cangen Gymreig y BMC yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi lansiad ei “Maniffesto ar gyfer Dringo a Cerdded Mynydd yng Nghymru”. Bydd Cymru yn mynd i'r polau ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd ar Fai 6ed i bleidleisio dros Lywodraeth newydd i Gymru. Mae bellach yn bwysicach nag erioed i’n haelodau gyflwyno’r achos dros ddringo a cherdded mynydd yng Nghymru i wleidyddion a deddfwyr Cymru.

Mae'r rhan fwyaf o bobl bellach yn ymwybodol iawn, yn enwedig ar ôl effeithiau Covid a'r gwahanol reoliadau sydd ar waith yng ngwahanol wledydd datganoledig y DU, bod gan Gymru ei llywodraeth ei hun a chyfrifoldebau datganoledig ar gyfer sawl agwedd ar fywyd cyhoeddus a deddfwriaeth. Mae'r Senedd yn cynnwys 60 Aelod etholedig o'r Senedd (AS) sydd â phwer ac awdurdod llawn dros bron pob agwedd ar ddeddfwriaeth a pholisi sy'n llywodraethu buddiannau a meysydd gwaith y BMC a'i aelodau yng Nghymru.

Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyfrifoldeb i greu, diwygio, a deddfu pob agwedd ar ddeddfwriaeth ym mhob maes polisi chwaraeon, twristiaeth, cadwraeth, tirweddau gwarchodedig, amaethyddiaeth, iechyd, addysg ac yn hanfodol i ddringwyr a cherddwyr bryniau, pob agwedd ar ddeddfwriaeth sy'n effeithio ar fynediad i gefn gwlad.

Mae'r BMC, trwy ei Swyddog Mynediad a Chadwraeth Cymreig, wedi cael peth llwyddiant wrth ddylanwadu ar rai o'r polisïau hyn, yn benodol, gobeithiwn y bydd Llywodraeth newydd Cymru yn deddfu deddfwriaeth newydd yn fuan a fydd yn ymestyn yr hawl mynediad, sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd i fryniau a mynyddoedd Cymru, i arfordir a chlogwyni Cymru.

Fodd bynnag, hyd yma nid yw llais a dylanwad y BMC gyda Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod mor uchel ag y gallai fod, ac mae'r "Maniffesto ar gyfer Dringo a Cerdded Mynydd i Gymru" sydd newydd ei gynhyrchu yn nodi pum gofyn allweddol y BMC i Lywodraeth Cymru a fydd ar waith ar ôl Mai 6ed:

Cyflwyno yr awyr agored i'r senedd: rydym am ffurfio Grŵp Trawsbleidiol y Senedd ar gyfer hamdden awyr agored.

Mynediad i bawb i gefn gwlad a chefn gwlad: mae mynediad anffurfiol i'n bryniau a'n mynyddoedd yn hanfodol ar gyfer lles, rydym am weld yr hawliau hyn yn cael eu gwarchod a'u hymestyn i'r arfordir a'r tir cyfagos.

Rheoli cynaliadwy tir a morluniau syfrdanol Cymru: bioamrywiaeth, ecosystemau gwydn er budd ein cymunedau, busnesau, a chenedlaethau'r dyfodol.

Cenedl egnïol, iach sy’n cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau awyr agored: gadewch inni roi cyfle i holl blant Cymru Gymru fwynhau gweithgareddau awyr agored o oedran ifanc, gan sicrhau bod pawb yng Nghymru yn elwa o iechyd a lles gwell.

Cydnabod gwerth cerdded mynydd a dringo: mae hamdden awyr agored yn hanfodol i economi wledig Cymru, gan gyfrannu 1% o Gynnyrch Mewnwladol Crynswth Cymru. Rydym am rymuso cymunedau, busnesau ac unigolion lleol i elwa ar dreftadaeth naturiol Cymru.

Dywedodd Dr Neal Hockley, Cadeirydd BMC Cymru, sy'n cynrychioli dros 7,000 o ddringwyr a cherddwyr mynydd ledled Cymru, “Rwyf wrth fy modd gyda'n maniffesto ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd. Mae'r flwyddyn ddiwethaf wedi dangos pa mor bwysig yw ein harfordir a'n cefn gwlad i bawb yng Nghymru, o ymarfer corff bob dydd i anturiaethau penwythnos. Mae gennym weledigaeth o genedl weithgar, lle gall pawb gael mynediad i arfordir a chefn gwlad syfrdanol Cymru o ble bynnag maen nhw'n byw, gan arwain at well iechyd a lles, ac economi wedi'i hadfywio ”.

Er mwyn helpu'r BMC i gyflawni'r maniffesto hwn a chael dylanwad cadarnhaol ar bolisi Llywodraeth Cymru, mae'r BMC hefyd yn falch o gyhoeddi ei fod newydd benodi Swyddog Polisi ac Ymgyrchoedd newydd i Gymru, a fydd wedi'i leoli yng Nghaerdydd i arwain ar waith y BMC ac i gynyddu ein proffil yn y maes pwysig hwn. Bydd mwy ar hyn i ddilyn….

Byddwn hefyd yn darparu mwy o wybodaeth i'n haelodau yn fuan ar sut y gallant helpu i hyrwyddo'r maniffesto i'w hymgeiswyr Senedd lleol.

DARLLENWCH: Maniffesto BMC ar gyfer Dringo a Cherdded Mynydd

Lluniwyd y maniffesto gan ymgynghorwyr (Snowdonia Active) yn gweithio gyda staff a gwirfoddolwyr  y BMC yng Nghymru.

The BMC AGM is being held virtually on Wednesday 12th June 2024

Have your say, make your voice count with your vote.
It would be fantastic to see as many members as possible join us.

This year, the BMC’s AGM is being held virtually using the platform Zoom webinar. You can join us on Wednesday 12 June at 7pm to have your say on the running of the BMC, from the comfort of your own home.

READ: More about the 2024 AGM and how to vote and attend

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An excellent manifesto which I fully endorse. Alun Pugh (BMC member and former MS)


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