A scheduled meeting of the Board was held on 8 May (11:00 until 18:00), with a 90-minute follow-up by phone on the evening of 20 May. Ten directors attended the scheduled meeting and nine participated in the follow-up, including all four new directors on both occasions.
The main matters covered were as follows:
a. Matters arising from the AGM : In addition to the AGM-related items listed below, it was agreed that the Board should respond through the BMC website to the perspectives being shared elsewhere in relation to the AGM, this needing to include correction of some errors in that material. It was also agreed that the Board would set up a Governance working group that would include some members of National Council to review a range of matters including Nominations Committee and Nominated Director processes, this to be completed during 2019.
READ: BMC AGM 2019: Reflections and the Future
b. Audit of Accounts: Whilst some matters of detail relating to the 2018 accounts would be explored further with the auditors, it was agreed that the current auditors should audit the 2019 accounts with a tender process to be run in the autumn for audit services from 2020 onwards.
c. Finance: Analysis of 2018 expenditure by main activity area was received as a starting point for reviewing the future alignment of expenditure and strategic priorities. It was noted that the operational deficit for the 2019 financial year could reach £300k as a consequence of expected impacts on commercial income, additional to the impact of increased premiums for liability insurance cover.
d. Liability Insurance: An initial report was received from the Insurance Task Group and it was agreed that the terms of the three-year contract with the underwriters should be explored further.
e. ODG reports and governance: With the support of Paul Evans, John Roberts and Dave Stanley who attended for this item, it was agreed that the recommendations of the Membership Engagement report should be summarised with IT and financial dependencies clearly indicated so that a view on prioritisation could be obtained from National Council. In relation to the Partnerships and Clubs reports, further comments are to be provided by Directors so that updated drafts can also be submitted for consideration. It was agreed that further reflection was needed in relation to filling the vacant ODG chair role.
VISIT: The BMC Organisational Development Group (ODG) website
f. Strategy: Initial proposals for a facilitated strategy day to be held in Birmingham on 29 May were discussed, allowing refinement of details to be progressed including making available relevant background material for Directors to consider in advance.
g. Director roles: The Board reviewed the considerable number of lead and liaison roles that need to be distributed amongst Directors, including links with Specialist Committees and Local Areas. Whilst some roles were able to be filled in a straightforward manner, it was agreed that additional time was needed to agree a distribution that fulfilled all requirements.
h. Board work programme and calendar of meetings: Having previously agreed that a proactive work programme should be mapped out, the Board determined that a cycle of five meetings per year would best suit the requirements of strategic planning and financial management, including ensuring due process was followed in relation to receiving and approving the annual accounts.
i. Risk Register: The Board reviewed the existing risk register in detail, revising the assessment of some risks and updating controls and actions as necessary. It was noted that a fundamental review of the structure of the register is underway, aimed at providing a more focused register of key risks.
j. Finance & Audit Committee ToR: The Board identified a number of matters within the Terms of Reference to be explored with the Committee chair, including the relative emphasis placed on audit functions and the need for clarity on criteria for appointments to the committee and the period for which an appointment should be made.
k. Health & Safety Group ToR: Arising from a review of the Terms of Reference of the group, which comprises line managers within the BMC staff and is chaired by a BMC member (Mike Rosser), the Board has initiated a process of taking stock of the policies and procedures currently in place in order to satisfy itself regarding the governance, breadth and currency of H&S arrangements.
Gareth Pierce
Chair, BMC Board of Directors
READ: previous Board meeting summaries and minutes
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