Are you knowledgeable about Welsh politics? Are you interested in mountaineering, rock climbing and hillwalking in Wales? Are you familiar with the BMC’s work, including access and environmental, youth development and participation, and clubs?
We are looking to employ a contractor for a fixed contract to work closely with the BMC’s Access & Conservation Team and the BMC’s Wales Committee, to take the lead to produce a bilingual Manifesto for the BMC for Wales. With Welsh Parliament elections in May 2021 and key changes to access legislation in Wales being proposed, the need for a clear message outlining the needs and wants of participants of mountaineering, rock climbing and hill-walking has never been greater.
The restrictions on travel, access and freedoms to use green spaces, as well as the issues of over tourism, litter and behaviour has impacted on both local inhabitants and visitors alike in the wake of Covid and has really focussed attention on the importance of the open spaces, the coast and mountains of Wales.
The BMC wants to put together a short (four-page max) bilingual document to give users a voice to campaign and lobby for the rights, freedoms and interests of hill-walkers, climbers and mountaineers in Wales. The document will be distributed to Members of the Senedd, policy makers and partner organisations to highlight the key areas and aspirations of the BMC’s work in Wales, including access and environmental policies, landscape protection, youth development, health, participation and inclusivity, clubs and membership support.
The final document will also tie in the key aspects of the BMC’s strategic plan, putting the aims and outcomes of that plan into a Welsh context and taking account of such issues as the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 as well as working with partner organisations, including Mountain Training Cymru, Ramblers Cymru, Wales Outdoor Alliance, Wales Environment Link, The Outdoor Partnership and others.
The work, which includes producing written copy, selecting suitable images and graphics and final design is likely to involve no more than 15 days’ work with a final draft to be produced by January 15th, 2021.
The budget range for this work, which will be decided on the quality of the application and not necessarily based on the lowest tender received, is expected to be in the range of £250 to £400 per day, with a maximum budget of £4000. Please send expressions of interest, noting your experience and qualification, maximum of two pages of A4, to do this work and a quotation, by email to by November 30th, 2020.
Get all the info on crags with the RAD (Regional Access Database) app from the BMC! Available now for Android and iOS, it's free and comes with a host of new features like navigation and parking, weather and tidal updates, and of course information on restrictions or notes on access advice. Get it here now!
RAD is community led and your comments help keep it up to date so don’t be afraid to add any relevant information after a crag visit which might be useful for other visitors – anything from conditions on the crag, favourite routes or reports of rockfall/other recent changes to the crag are all useful for other climbers visiting.
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