GB team member Shauna Coxsey took a brilliant second place at the IFSC Bouldering World Cup 2013 in Millau France. Team mate Leah Crane just missed out on getting into the final although she did make the semifinal as did Mina Leslie-Wujastyk.
Shauna missed out on the top spot on the podium by just one attempt, in an incredibly tight final, where only Shauna and Anna Stohr of Austria were the only females to top all four problems, and were separated by that one attempt.
Hopefully we will see Shauna on the top of the podium at the next round of the IFSC Boulder World Cup in Kitzbuhl Austria in three weeks time.
Leah Crane did incredibly well and finished 7th and Mina Leslie-Wujastyk finished 12th. The GB team ranking postions can be seen by clicking here.
The city of Millau is in Southern France. The region around Millau is well known to climbing fans around the world for its fantastic climbing opportunities.
The full senior bouldering team travelled out to compete: Shauna Coxsey, Mina Leslie- Wujastyk, Leah Crane, Dianne Merrick, Michaela Tracy, Ned Feehally, Dave Barrans, James Garden, and Jon Partridge.
Everyone was able to watch the action live, and the final was really gripping, on the IFSC website and also follow the event on Twitter thanks to hashtag #IFSCwc.
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The Senior British Bouldering Team is supported by Sherpa Adventure Gear and Lonsdale China.
Watch a full replay of the finals below.
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