Already volunteering with the BMC, or just setting out? This page contains everything you need to know about volunteering with us.
The aim of this page is to provide a go-to page for volunteers when they are looking for general information to help them in their role. If the information isn't here let us know and we'll do something about it!
All information for volunteers can be found in our new Volunteering Handbook. The quick links below will take you to key information on our site:
Download guidance on volunteer responsibilities
Read guidance on organising a BMC event
Download guidance for the organisers of BMC area festivals
Read guidance on what volunteers should do with personal data
Download a BMC volunteer expense claim form
Read the BMC volunteer expenses policy
Find out more about child protection training here
BMC staff contacts
BMC Specialist Committees
I Want to Volunteer With the BMC!
We are always looking out for new volunteers to join our community and are excited to welcome new people on board. If you would like to find out more about volunteering with the BMC please follow the link to our dedicated webpage for new volunteers.
Volunteering Roles at the BMC
The BMC works with over 500 volunteers in permanent and temporary roles, with hundreds more helping out at individual events. We are currently working on a comprehensive list of role, but in the meantime you can read all about the main roles here.
Volunteer Stories
Read more about the amazing work carried out by our volunteers and hear about what its like to volunteer with us from our Volunteer Stories.
Volunteer Awards
The BMC depends on the support of hundreds of volunteers, and recognises their vital contribution to the work of the BMC through annual awards.
The three awards are:
The George Band Award
The Rehan Siddiqui Award
The Young Volunteer of the Year Award
Read all about the awards and how to nominate someone on the Award’s Webpage. Information on this years winners can be accessed here.
Volunteering for the BMC? Let us know what you think.
Volunteers provide crucial support to the BMC. To ensure we're doing our best and meeting the needs of BMC volunteers we have put together a volunteer survey. If you would like to let us know about your experience volunteering with us please follow the link.
Review of Volunteer Training Needs
The BMC is currently undergoing a review of volunteer training needs. If you are interested in contributing to our review, please fill in our online survey and let us know how we can improve our support. You can access the survey here.
Leaving the BMC?
We'd like to thank all our volunteers for their hard work and commitment to the BMC. If you have decided its time to move on we'd love to hear from you. Please take the time to fill out our volunteer exit survey, let us know what you think and help us to improve. You can access the survey here.
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