Volunteer opportunities in your BMC Area

Posted by Suzanne Jones on 16/07/2024

Would you like to get more involved in the work of the BMC? We have a number of Area volunteer roles available, and are looking for enthusiastic members to take them on.

Area volunteers undertake vital roles in the democratic structure of the BMC and the work we do on behalf of members and the wider climbing, hill walking and mountaineering community. Each of the ten BMC Areas (eight in England, two in Wales) holds an Area AGM, at which elections for a range of volunteer roles are held, and outside of these meetings, members can be co-opted into roles.

If you are interested in getting involved please email suzanne@thebmc.co.uk and ask to be put in contact with your local area Chair.

Currently, we have opportunities in the Areas for the following roles:

Lakes Secretary
  Members' Council area representative
  Access Rep - Duddon and Eskdale
  Climbing Wall Rep
  Area Youth Co-ordinator
  Hill Walking Rep
London & South East Members' Council area representative
  Climbing Wall representative
Midlands Area Secretary
  Members' Council area representative
  Hill Walking representative
North East Area Chair
  Access Rep (Northumberland and Newcastle)
  Hill Walking Rep
  Climbing Wall Rep
North West Area Secretary
Peak Climbing Wall Rep
South West Access Rep (Baggy Point)
  Access Rep (Wye Valley)
Yorkshire Access Rep (Gritstone)
  Access Rep (Limestone)
  Climbing Wall Rep
  Clubs Rep
  Hill Walking Rep
  Meets & Social Media Rep
Cymru North Wales Area Chair
  Members' Council area representative
  Clubs Rep
Cymru South Wales Area Secretary
  Members' Council area representative 
  Clubs Rep
  Access Rep - South East Wales

Role Descriptions

Area Chair

Area Secretary

Members' Council Area Representative

Area Clubs Co-ordinator

Access Representative

Climbing Wall Representative (draft version)

Hill Walking Representative

Newsletter Editor (Peak Area)

Social Media Representative

Youth Climbing Series Co-ordinator

Interested in becoming an Area volunteer?

If you are interested in one of the above volunteer opportunities please come along to the relevant Area Meeting and speak with the current Chair or Secretary. If you are unable to attend please email suzanne@thebmc.co.uk and ask to be put in contact with your local area.


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BMC Members' Council

Members' Council acts as a representative body of the members, consulting with and constructively challenging the Board of Directors, and holding the Board to account on behalf of the members.
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Come along to the next meeting in your BMC Area, to discuss the latest issues and get involved in the work of the BMC.
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