Vixen Tor - the latest

Posted by Cath Flitcroft on 14/06/2007

The Ramblers Association are currently collecting evidence of public visits to Vixen Tor, in a bid to help reclaim public access to this well loved Crag.

Prior to 2003, climbing and walking were regularly undertaken at this well renowned beauty spot near Merrivale. However, after a change in ownership, signs and fences were erected warning the public to keep out and despite negotiations for a voluntary access agreement and a financial offer by the Dartmoor National Park, this historically visited site remains inaccessible to the public. A financial offer of £1500/annum was made by the Park Authority but was refused by the landowner who then requested £35,000/annum; clearly demonstrating the landowner is not, in principle, opposed to public access.

Nationwide, climbers and walkers will continue to respect private property rights and will take due care in their use of the countryside. Climbers however, have for the past 40 years frequented vixen Tor, a local place of Natural beauty. The British Mountaineering Council and the Ramblers Association together with the Dartmoor National Park and local people are still working in close partnership to try to restore access to this much-cherished site.

The BMC are organising a South West Action Team (SWAT) to discuss local issues and initiatives, including Vixen Tor. The first meeting will be held on July 4th (7.30pm at The Three Crowns on The Barbican, Plymouth) - if you're keen to get involved, then come along - the greater support we have, the greater chance we have of regaining access. Keep checking the BMC website for further details!

If you have a visit to report, then log onto their website at or write to the BMC with your details.

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