Sherpas. Porters. The spine to many a mountaineering mission. Watch the documentary that gives the mountaineering community an eye-opening look at what it's really like to work one of the hardest jobs on the planet.
You can't watch a film about Everest or read any account of a 8,000m ascent without their essential efforts featuring. But how much media do we consume from the perspective of a Porter, and how much do we really know about their true experiences? We're sharing with you this eye-opening documentary where Nate Menninger becomes an Everest porter and in doing so, experiences the injustices faced by the local people.
'The Porter' is an extraordinary hour-long documentary following US born mountaineer Nate Menninger become one of the first ever foreign-born Porters to aid a Mt. Everest Expedition. The young American fully immersed himself in the role: eating, sleeping, dressing, speaking and working as similarly as he could to other Sherpas. He didn't shower for 23 days, lost over nine kilos and carried 100 kilos — fortunately, all on camera.
In his effort to equal their strengths, he stumbles into a reality far more harrowing than he expected and ends up documenting a serious injustice.
Menninger hopes that the documentary will spread this insider experience through the global mountaineering community so that they can share it's takeaways.
WATCH THE FILM: The Porter - The untold story at Everest
The Porter: The Untold Story at Everest from Nate Menninger on Vimeo.
Q&A with Director and Sherpa Nate Menninger
Protagonist and Director, Nate Menninger, gave a live session with further insight into the whole experience. Scroll down to watch 📺
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