Suspension Bridge Buttress open for business

Posted by BMC on 09/04/2008

The BMC have been working hard on your behalf to solve the access issues at Suspension Bridge Buttress in the Avon Gorge.

The online e-petition on the Bristol City Council (BCC) website got over 800 signatures in a few days and many people also emailed BCC direct. It appears that this has caused quite a comotion and has gone right up to the Leader of the Council.

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO, has been told - categorically and officially - that the Council has not (and never did) banned climbing on Suspension Bridge Buttress. The Council does of course remain committed to maintaining the fencing around the canopy (above the portway) for road safety reasons.

It seems the root of this misunderstanding goes back to some earlier conversations between BMC reps and the BCC Property Department which resulted in the firm impression that climbing was being banned and that security guards would be patrolling the site. Quite how this relates to the Councils' position now - we're not sure.

The epetition has been taken down, and all's well that ends well...

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Taking action to protect our access to nature

Over the past few days there have been a number of political announcements that have stoked widespread anger from the environmental sector. These include Government moving towards weakening laws that protect our environment, a relaxation of laws that govern planning, a renewed interest in fracking and reports that Government may be rethinking the future of farm payments with a focus on food protection and little more. Here's how we're taking action, and how you can too.
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