A fully functioning and publicly accessible emergency de-fibrillator machine has been placed at the summit of Snowdon, to give some assistance to trained people in the event of a person suffering a heart-attack.
In a joint move between the Snowdon Mountain Railway Company, Welsh Ambulance Service Trust and Snowdonia National Park, an emergency de-fibrillator has been provided at the summit cafe on Snowdon. The highly portable machine which is in a distinctive green box on the outside of the building near the main entrance, can be accessed by following the instructions on the box (a simple security code is required, obtainable by dialling the number on the box). The machine, which is capable of delivering an electric shock sufficient to re-start the heart in someone who has suffered a heart attack can be a genuine life-saver, is supplied with simple instructions and staff at the summit cafe and National Park Wardens have had training in its use.
In 2009 six persons lost their lives as a result of a heart-attack while on Snowdon, but with more people getting trained in the use of emergency de-fibrillators and having basic first aid training, it's hoped that even if only one person benefits form this initiative then it will have ben worthwhile. However, as with all mountain accidents or emergency incidents, it is vital in the first instance that the emergency services are called. This is done in mountainous areas by dialling 999 and requesting the Police, who can then call out the appropriate Mountain Rescue team. Remember to give the following basic information:
Your exact location (ideally a six figure grid reference)
An accurate description of the problem/accident
Numbers of people involved
Weather conditions at your location
The colour and description of your clothing
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