The is a second update on nesting birds in the Peak District from the BMC’s Peak Access Team.
Stanage North Lees
Ring Ouzel young have now fledged from Tippler and Wall Buttress. The only restriction as of today is on Fina. However the five breeding pairs are likely to second brood. There is no way of knowing where in their territories they will make new nests, but possibly close to first brood sites. On site signage at Stanage is always right up to date. Expect changes during the first week in June – and likely more than one.
Fledglings remain unseen hidden in the bracken beds in the vicinity of their nests and are particularly vulnerable to free ranging dogs. High post fledging mortality threatens species survival.
Bamford, Moscar, Hallam and Derwent Moors
Access restrictions notified by the landowner will apply until 17 June, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays excluded. Climbing on Stanage north of the Long Causeway is however permitted, and the Derwent Edges concessionary path will also remain open. Please remember dogs are excluded from these grouse moors at all times of the year.
Similar restrictions apply on Offerton and Abney Moors.
A tawny owl is nesting on Estremo. Tawny’s can be notably vicious if disturbed and have been known to cause serious physical injury.
A kestrel is nesting on Suicide Wall. Please avoid routes in this vicinity for the timebeing.
Hen Cloud
The size of the restricted area around Delstree where peregrines are nesting is expected to be reduced in June. On site signage will be the best guide.
Dovestones Quarry
The peregrine restriction here will extend into July because the birds nested later than usual.
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