New: Threat to Navigation Quarry Access for Climbers, Abercynon

Posted by Claire Maxted on 21/05/2024

The BMC has recently been made aware of a potential land use change to Navigation Quarry, a sandstone crag near Abercynon, north of Cardiff. This site has been popular since the 1980’s as one of the best climbing sites in the area with a good mix of trad and sport routes that often dry quickly in sunny weather.

Tom Carrick, Access & Conservation Officer (Wales) says, “In the last couple of years there has been a nesting kestrel which has made its home on the right hand side of the crag, and a barn owl on the left, and the BMC has put restrictions across these routes to prevent disturbance. 

“This year in trying to confirm the restrictions, one of the site managers mentioned that the owners may be considering substituting (making a change in use) the land where the climbing takes place. A shooting range was suggested, with the possibility that this would remove access to Navigation Quarry for climbers.

“Navigation Quarry is on common land, and all common land was designated as open access land in 2000 by the CRoW act. One of the sections of the Commons Act means that substitutions of common land can be made if there is another area of land the same size to take its place. However, this change would likely result in removing access to the sandstone crags for climbers. 

“This process isn’t a simple or quick one for the landowner as a report must be written up and the last sign off would go to ministers in the Senedd. We will be keeping an eye on the situation at Navigation Quarry to fight for continued access for climbers. The BMC have already asked other local organisations for support, and we would like BMC Members’ help in looking out for any signs that the landowner is likely to proceed with the enclosure of the crag. 

“If the landowners at Navigation Quarry decide to progress with a substitution we will be utilising all of our resources to campaign against it. We will do everything in our power to safeguard access to this crag. If necessary we will be asking BMC members to help us campaign to protect the site, and to highlight the importance of this site to the climbing and wider community in South Wales. 

“Protecting access is what the BMC is here for and it’s what we do best. This is why we have the BMC. Our partners the Open Spaces and Society (OSS) who are specialists in dealing with and protecting common land will contact us if there are further developments with this case, we are asking locals, especially, if you hear anything or see anything please let us know.”

Watch the BMC Respect the Rock: Sandstone advice films here.

Newyddion: Bygythiad at Fynediad Dringo yn Chwarel Navigation Abercynon

Mae'r BMC wedi cael ein hysbusu yn ddiweddar am newid defnydd tir posibl i Chwarel Navigation, sy’n glogwyn tywodfaen ger Abercynon, i'r gogledd o Gaerdydd. Mae'r safle wedi bod yn boblogaidd ers y 1980au fel un o'r safleoedd dringo gorau yn yr ardal gyda chymysgedd gyfoethog o lwybrau traddodiadol a sbort sy'n aml yn sychu'n gyflym mewn tywydd braf.

Meddai Tom Carrick, Swyddog Mynediad a Chadwraeth (Cymru), “Yn ystod yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf mae cudyllod nythu wedi bod yn gartref i ochr dde’r clogwyn, a thylluan wen ar y chwith, ac rydym wedi gosod cyfyngiadau ar draws y llwybrau hyn i atal aflonyddwch.

“Eleni wrth geisio cadarnhau’r cyfyngiadau, soniodd un o reolwyr y safle y gallai’r perchnogion fod yn ystyried amnewid (gwneud newid defnydd) y tir lle mae’r dringo’n digwydd. Awgrymwyd maes saethu, gyda'r posibilrwydd y byddai hyn yn dileu mynediad at Chwarel Navigation i ddringwyr.

“Mae Chwarel Navigation ar dir comin, ac mae’r holl dir comin wedi’i ddynodi’n dir mynediad agored yn 2000 gan ddeddf CRoW. Mae un o adrannau’r Ddeddf Tiroedd Comin yn golygu y gellir amnewid tir comin os oes darn arall o dir o’r un maint i cymryd ei le. Fodd bynnag, byddai'r newid hwn yn debyg o arwain at ddileu mynediad i'r clogwyni tywodfaen i ddringwyr.

“Nid yw’r broses hon yn un syml na chyflym i’r tirfeddiannwr gan fod yn rhaid ysgrifennu adroddiad a byddai’r cymeradwyaeth olaf yn mynd i weinidogion yn y Senedd. Byddwn yn cadw llygad ar y sefyllfa yn Navigation Quarry i frwydro am fynediad parhaus i ddringwyr. Mae'r BMC eisoes wedi gofyn i sefydliadau lleol eraill am gefnogaeth, a hoffem gael cymorth Aelodau'r BMC i gadw golwg am unrhyw arwyddion bod perchennog y tir yn debygol o fwrw ymlaen â chau'r clogwyn.

“Os bydd y tirfeddianwyr yn Navigation Quarry yn penderfynu symud ymlaen ac amnewid y safle byddwn yn defnyddio ein holl adnoddau i ymgyrchu yn ei erbyn. Byddwn yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i ddiogelu mynediad i'r clogwyn. Os bydd angen byddwn yn gofyn i aelodau BMC ysgrifennu at y Senedd yn amlygu pwysigrwydd y safle hwn i'r gymuned ddringo a'r gymuned ehangach yn Ne Cymru.

“Amddiffyn mynediad yw pwrpas y BMC a dyna beth rydyn ni'n ei wneud orau, ac mae’n ran o’n pwraps. Bydd ein partneriaid yr Open Spaces Society (OSS) sy’n arbenigo mewn ymdrin â thir comin a’i warchod yn cysylltu â ni os oes datblygiadau pellach gyda’r achos hwn, rydym yn gofyn i bobl leol, yn enwedig, os byddwch yn clywed unrhyw beth neu’n gweld unrhyw beth rhowch wybod i ni.”

Gwyliwch gyfres Parchu’r Graig: Tywodfaen y BMC yn fan hyn.

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Hi we live on this common and this is the first time we have heard of this. There is no direct access to this quarry. And we have a lot of birds of prey here. I will be forwarding this article onto the land agent for the owners.
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