Natural England is re-launching the Countryside Code with a new version giving updated advice on rights of way, controlling dogs around livestock and wildlife, and preventing fires.
Natural England, the Moorland Association, the National Farmers Union, the Ramblers and the BMC are all encouraging people to read the code to help them enjoy, respect and protect the countryside:
Stay informed
Even when going out locally, it’s best to get the latest information about where and when you can go. For example, access to some areas of open access land and coastal land may be restricted in particular places at particular times. Find out as much as you can about where you are going, plan ahead and follow advice and local signs.
Protect the environment
We all have a responsibility to protect the countryside now and for future generations, so make sure you don’t harm animals, birds, plants or trees and take home everything you brought with you. When out with your dog make sure it is under effective control, and does not disturb farm animals, horses, wildlife or other people.
Respect other people
Consider the local community and other people enjoying the outdoors. Remember that the countryside is a working environment and even small actions can lead to big disruption. Leave gates as you find them and take extra care to avoid the risk of starting wildfires.
NFU President, Peter Kendall said: “The updated Countryside Code provides a timely reminder to everyone planning to visit the countryside this Easter that following just a few simple tips will ensure your trip is a safe and enjoyable one. Farmland is a beautiful place - but it is also a working environment for farmers and growers. The advice on keeping your dog under effective control, leaving gates and property as you find them and following footpaths are all particularly relevant at this time of year.”
Benedict Southworth, Chief Executive of the Ramblers, said: “This Easter we’re encouraging as many people as possible to enjoy the Easter weekend outdoors, taking in the sights and sounds of spring by getting out and walking with their families. Following the advice in the Countryside Code will help everyone enjoy the best that the countryside has to offer safely and responsibly, without any harm coming to the environment, those working in it and those out enjoying our wonderful landscapes.”
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