Donate to ACT

Did you know that you can donate online to the BMC Access & Conservation Trust?


Donate today

The BMC Access and Conservation Trust (ACT) relies on donations from climbers and hill walkers to fund vital mountain conservation work. You can donate any amount using the PayPal button below. Most credit and debit cards are also accepted.

You can also donate by bank transfer

Account Name:            BMC Access & Conservation Trust

Account Number:        70139599

Sort Code:                    20-26-20

Payment Ref:               Climate Change/Name of the donor   

Gift Aid

If you do donate to ACT, then make sure you request gift aid using this form. Return the form by email to



Another way of doing you bit for the mountains is to leave a legacy in your will. For further information on how to arrange this, contact or call her on 0161 438 3333. 

We want to say a big thanks to every BMC member who continues to support us through the Coronavirus crisis.

From weekly Facebook Lives and GB Climbing home training videos, to our access team working to re-open the crags and fight for your mountain access, we couldn’t do it without you.

Did you know that we've just launched a new U27 membership offer for just £1.50 / month? And with full membership from £2.50 / month, it's never been easier to join and support our work:

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Choose your legacy: help upland conservation
Choose your legacy: help upland conservation

Leave a legacy to the BMC Access & Conservation Trust (ACT) to help ensure the walking and climbing conservation project become reality.
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ACT projects
ACT projects

ACT funds a wide range of projects encompassing policy-related work, literature production and large-scale environmental projects. We also fund sustainable transport initiatives and provides high quality access and conservation information to the public.
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ACT help fund wheelchair friendly footpath
ACT help fund wheelchair friendly footpath

More than 50 people with disabilities were "amazed at what they could do" recently thanks to a new path in the Yorkshire Dales partly funded by the BMC's Access and Conservation Trust.
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Choose your legacy: help upland conservation

Leave a legacy to the BMC Access & Conservation Trust (ACT) to help ensure the walking and climbing conservation project become reality.
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ACT projects
ACT projects

ACT funds a wide range of projects encompassing policy-related work, literature production and large-scale environmental projects. We also fund sustainable transport initiatives and provides high quality access and conservation information to the public.
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ACT help fund wheelchair friendly footpath

More than 50 people with disabilities were "amazed at what they could do" recently thanks to a new path in the Yorkshire Dales partly funded by the BMC's Access and Conservation Trust.
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Join 82,000 BMC members and support British climbing, walking and mountaineering. Membership only £16.97.
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Great range of guidebooks, DVDs, books, calendars and maps.
All with discounts for members.
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Get covered with BMC Insurance. Our five policies take you from the beach to Everest.
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