A memorial fund has been set up to support the young family of Sona Sherpa, a Sirdar and Climbing Sherpa with Doug Scott’s Community Action Treks, who tragically lost his life at Nanga Parbat base camp, Pakistan.
Sona was one of ten climbers from an international climbing party shot by Taliban militants on the evening of Saturday 22 June. Although this Nanga Parbat expedition was not organised by Community Action Treks (CAT), Sona was well known to CAT trekkers, having worked with the company for ten years. He was as equally at home leading parties on trekking peaks for CAT, as he was climbing the South West Face of Everest on South Korean expeditions. He leaves a wife, Doma, and two young children.
Due to Sona’s death being the result of terrorist activity his insurance company have refused to pay out to his family. Just after Sona’s body was returned to his family in Kathmandu the Senior Manager of Sikhar Insurance Company Ltd wrote: “Since Sona Sherpa was the among the 11 victims killed by Taliban militants in Northern Pakistan when Taliban gunmen stormed into tents at the base camp of Mt. Nanga Parbat and opened fire indiscriminately, regret to inform you that the policy does not cover this loss as it comes under the act of terrorism.”
The support of the trekking and mountaineering community is therefore essential to help this tragic situation, and by establishing the fund, CAT’s sister charity Community Action Nepal (CAN) will contribute to this support and encourages others to do so too.
In launching the memorial fund Doug Scott said: “Our hearts go out to his wife and his four-year-old and one-year-old sons. CAN has set up a memorial fund to help Sona's family provide for his young children. He was a loyal and well-liked Sirdar with Community Action Treks and I'm sure many of our trekkers will wish to help support Sona's family as they face their future without him. We have already received some generous donations, which will be of some comfort to the family."
The fund will be held and managed directly by Community Action Nepal at the request of Sona's brother Tshiring Dorje Sherpa, who has also led many CAT treks as a Climbing Sirdar. All money sent to the fund will be ring-fenced for the support of Sona's family, with no deductions made for administration costs.
How to contribute to the Sona Sherpa Memorial Fund:
Please send a cheque payable to 'CAN', enclosing a note specifying that it is for the Sona Sherpa Memorial Fund. To increase your donation if applicable, download, complete and return the Gift Aid Declaration form
Post to:
Community Action Nepal
Stewart Hill Cottage
Hesket Newmarket
Cumbria CA7 8HX
If you prefer to make a direct bank transfer please contact the CAN office for details:
Tel: 01768 484842
Email: info@canepal.com
Thank you for your support.
Community Action Treks (CAT) is a not-for-profit organisation specialising in trekking holidays in the Himalaya, the Karakoam, East Africa and South America. It supports its sister charity, Community Action Nepal (CAN) to improve health, education and the standard of living of Nepalese rural communities.
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