Manifesto for Sport

Posted by Alex Messenger on 16/05/2001

The British Mountaineering Council gives full support to today's publication by the Central Council of Physical Recreation of 'Active Britain - a manifesto for sport and recreation' which sets new and important challenges for the next Government.

Given that sport crosses many departmental areas and has considerable potential to deliver the Government's objectives the BMC particularly welcomes the call for sport to have a full position in the Cabinet Office. As highlighted by the recent access restrictions because of foot and mouth disease the value of outdoor sport and recreation was not fully realised prior to the FMD crisis.

The BMC welcomes the inclusive and partnership approach that the CCPR's manifesto calls for, which is fully consistent with the Prime Minister's proposals in 'Modernising Government' (March 1999). For sport to help meet the health, social, and educational needs of the nation an effective partnership with clear aims and leadership is needed. To achieve an active Britain the needs of sport and the voluntary clubs and national governing bodies must be understood and acted on. Hence, the BMC fully supports the CCPR for highlighting how to work towards this in the manifesto for sport. Additional information and a copy of the manifesto is available from

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