Local climbers (mostly from Pembrokeshire Climbing Club) have spectacularly "come up with the goods" and completed the removal of the huge pile of maritime rubbish from the Leap.
As previously reported here, an accident at sea resulted in a considerable amount of detritus becoming jammed in the Leap and prompted the BMC to start phase 1 of a clean-up effort in the summer. After considerable logistical planning and liaison with Pembrokeshire National Park, and the MoD, a crane (supplied by Texaco) was used to winch out the huge remaining pieces of rusting container, mangled washing machines and bags of insulation foam. Many thanks to the MoD and the PNPA for their assistance in disposing of the material, and a special thanks to all the volunteers (especially Robin Neath and Dee de Mengel) who put in masses of time and effort to clean up this fantastic crag. See the photos here Feel inspired by these events, interested in getting involved with climbing conservation projects in your area? Contact either Guy Keating or Martin Kocsis at the BMC.
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