Greg Mulholland: our new sports fellow

Posted by Tina Gardner on 03/12/2013
Greg Mulholland (centre) with (from L-R) BMC hill walking officer Carey Davies, BMC CEO Dave Turnbull, and mountaineers Chris Bonington and Alan Hinkes

Avid hill walker Greg Mulholland, Member of Parliament for Leeds North West, has become our new link to government within Sport England's parliamentary sports fellowship scheme.

The scheme matches MPs and peers with sports organisations for a two-year period to build a better understanding of sport in parliament. Greg recently took part in the BMC-organised walk for parliamentarians in Yorkshire in September which highlighted the health benefits of walking.

Greg, who is also involved with the new all-party commission on physical inactivity and a supporter of the Britain on Foot campaign, is keen to “really encourage people to get out and enjoy the outdoors wherever they live.”

Despite the pressures of his work as an MP, Greg leads an active outdoor life, and is working his way through the Munros (he cites his current total as "175 - ish"). He also has a particular taste for long-distance walking challenges, once walking 38 miles through the night to help kick off the Otley Walking Festival in his constituency.

Other MPs previously linked to the BMC under the sports fellowship scheme are John Mann, Angela Smith and David Rutley. All are actively involved in the All Party Parliamentary Group for Mountaineering administered by the BMC.

The BMC looks forward to working with Greg and communicating the interests of our members - watch this space for more specific initiatives. Find out more about Greg Mulholland.

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