There are currently eight FMD confirmed infected premises in Surrey. Evidence suggests that the outbreak to date has been confined to a relatively small area of the country. All cases from 21st September have derived from other infected premises in the Protection Zone and the risk of spread outside of this area remains very low.
The BMC welcome DEFRA’s swift response to the outbreak of the disease which began in Surrey on Friday 3rd August, and in particular the intention not to impose a blanket closure on access to the countryside. At present, the only impacts on visitor attractions and rights of way have been those within the protection zone and those which result from the restrictions on animal movements and animal gatherings. All rights of way and land closures, apart from those on the infected premises have been lifted.
According to DEFRA, they have learnt the lessons of the experience of the 2001 outbreak and recognise that there is a balance to be struck between the need to control foot and mouth disease and the need to enable the public to have continued access to the countryside and rights of way for recreation. Any decision to close land over which there is open access or a public right of way would only be taken when it is clearly necessary to do so.
Over the past month, some parks, wildlife centres and outdoor activities have been closed or cancelled. The advice from DEFRA and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport however, is that this course of action is unnecessary.
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