Summit relies on contributions from both volunteers and professionals to make it an interesting and fresh read. And there are several ways you can contribute to the magazine. If you think you can help, then get in touch.
Contribute to Summit magazine
Hi everyone! I’m Claire Maxted, the editor of Summit magazine. I used to work as a writer on Trail magazine for many years before co-founding and editing Trail Running magazine and I’m looking forward to hearing from BMC members about ideas and submissions for future issues.
Get in touch!
I’d love to include contributions from BMC members in future issues of Summit magazine so please get in touch with your photos, ideas and to tell me what you’ve been up to. Remember there is a prize for the Out There section at the start of the magazine now, where we showcase the best member photos. When it comes to longer features and interviews, the better the photos, the longer the article we may be able to create from your project/challenge/achievement/idea - see below for guidance.
If you’ve already written a full article or blog post, send it over and I’ll have a read. Equally, if you have an interesting story idea and would like to see how it might fit into Summit magazine then send me a quick summary. Good spelling and grammar is a bonus, but that’s my job, so don’t be worried about your writing skills.
For big features these must be high resolution, so that’s the originals rather than downloaded from WhatsApp or social media, for example around 1-2+MB in size if possible. For smaller news stories and member photos for the Out There section at the start of the mag we can accept smaller file sizes. We Transfer, DropBox or Google Drive are easy ways to send large files with free options available.
Professional submissions:
We also do accept contributions from professional writers and photographers but space is limited with quarterly issues. Please get in touch with your ideas, especially ones with great imagery and strong links to BMC projects and campaigns.
I plan and commission each magazine well ahead of these deadlines so please don’t wait to send in your ideas. If you have a breaking news story, here are the deadlines for Summit magazine in 2024.
113 Spring
15 Feb
12 Mar
114 Summer
22 May
18 Jun
115 Autumn
14 Aug
10 Sep
116 Winter
23 Oct
26 Nov
Previous issues:
Please click here to find out how to access the digital issue of Summit magazine, free for members, small charge for non-members.
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