Climbing: how to get started

Posted by Tina Gardner on 23/05/2007
Learning the ropes.

Ten tips to get you off the ground and into climbing.

1. There are many different types of climbing – both indoor and outdoor.  A good place to start is a taster session at your local climbing wall.  You can search for a wall near you via the BMC's online directory of climbing walls in England and Wales.

2. You can download free good practice documents from the BMC website. These cover belaying and abseiling, climbing outside, the environment and also a parents' guide.

3. Join a club. There are over 300 climbing, mountaineering and hill walking clubs affiliated to the BMC. You can search the BMC's club list.

4. The best climbers aren’t necessarily the sportiest people – climbing is about moving efficiently, not simply physical ability.

5. Bouldering – climbing low off the ground with no ropes - is a great way to practise your technique and build up your strength. 

6. Safety is everything. Always read and understand the instructions on how to use your equipment correctly. If in doubt get advice from someone more experienced.

7. As with any sport, there is an element of risk, which you need to accept. Take responsibility for your own involvement. Read the BMC's participation statement.

8. Wear loose-fitting clothes and good footwear. Trainers can be used, but you will find climbing much easier with a pair of rock boots. These can be hired from most climbing walls.

9. Concentrate on what you are doing at all times, and never fool around. You could hurt or endanger others as well as yourself.

10. Finally, don’t forget to enjoy yourself!

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