While descending from this fine Yorks. grit crag, two climbers were recently accosted by representatives of the landowner claiming that, 'climbing was not allowed, access was only for walkers'.
The crag and Blubberhouses Moor are mapped as Open Access land under the CRoW Act, and the public therefore have a statutory right of access on foot. However, the new legislation also means the approach described in the 1998 Yorks. Grit guide is slightly out-of-date. Instead of parking in the lay-by at Redshaw Gill and accessing the rocks via the plantation area, you can now park on Kex Gill Rd. (west of the rocks), and walk across the moor from here - the road, the approach, and the rocks are all on Open Access land.
The BMC will be taking the incident up with the National Park and also with the landowner if required. In the meantime, if you experience any difficulties when climbing here, please report the incident to the BMC.
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