A summary of the 2011 access arrangements for climbing in Cheddar Gorge.
Climbing Access is granted freely by Cheddar Caves & Gorge for non-profit Recreational Climbing on a volenti non fit injuria basis to climbers who are current members of the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) or the Mountaineering Council of Scotland (MCofS), or members of their affiliated clubs, who thus have Third Party Liability Insurance against injury or damage to third parties or their property provided for them by the BMC/MCofS, and to those climbers who are not BMC/MCofS members but who have lodged their name, address and a copy of their Third Party Liability Insurance with Cheddar Caves & Gorge office, situated above Gough’s Cave. Volenti non fit injuria is a Common Law doctrine, which states “to a willing person, no injury is done”. Climbing is a dangerous sport willingly undertaken by climbers and thus climbers are assumed to consent to the risk of being injured themselves while climbing.
For a summary of when you can climb, check the Cheddar Access Calendar.
The following access arrangements apply during 2011:
1 January to 15 March
Winter Season
Access to all cliffs is subject to the Code of Conduct agreed by the BMC and Cheddar Caves & Gorge.
16 March to 30 June
Summer Season
Climbing on “BMC Restored Routes” only, above avalanche fencing or low down at road level, with the following exceptions;
Easter Holiday – 22 April to 25 April
May Day Holiday – 29 April to 2 May
Whitsun Holiday – 28 May to 5 June
1 July to 4 September
Summer Prohibition
NO CLIMBING, with the exception of the following North Side crags: Pride Evans Cliff, Heart Leaf Bluff, The Wave, The
Narrows, Arch Rock, Stepped Wall, Overshoot Wall, Lion Rock and The Remnant.
5 September to 30 September
Summer Season
Climbing on “BMC Restored Routes” only, above avalanche fencing or low down at road level.
1 October to 31 December
Winter Season
Access to all cliffs is subject to the Code of Conduct agreed by the BMC and Cheddar Caves & Gorge.
Cheddar Gorge Climbers' Code of Conduct
The permission to climb in Cheddar Gorge is subject to climbers abiding by a Code of Conduct, which has been agreed with Cheddar Caves & Gorge, the owners of the South Side, and The National Trust, the owners of the North Side.
Download the Code of Conduct
Cheddar Gorge Access List
A full list of permitted and prohibited climbing areas.
Download the Access List
BMC Restored Routes
This project was conceived by the climbing author, Martin Crocker; endorsed by Cheddar Caves & Gorge, Dr. John Beck Consultant Geologist and Natural England; supported by the BMC, Undercover Rock and The Climbers’ Club; carried out by Martin Crocker, Gordon Jenkin and local climbers during 2003-2005; and publicised in the Photo-Guide to Restored Climbs in Cheddar Gorge, available from Cheddar Caves & Gorge. The aims were:
To restore 300 of the best quality climbs
To extend climbing access outside the Winter Season
To protect the public and and the wildlife in the Gorge
Commercial Use
Climbing Access is prohibited to all Commercial Users, this being circumstances in which anyone involved either has to make a payment or is receiving a payment, including a wage or salary, for engaging in the activity. This restriction applies to all cliffs in the gorge, on both Cheddar Caves & Gorge land and National Trust land.
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Cheddar Caves & Gorge