BMC and Mountain Training Association Workshop Castle Inn Quarry: Best Practice for Groups.
Do you take or lead groups climbing at Castle Inn Quarry? Do you know access to this venue could be in jeopardy due to over-use and behaviour issues? Do you want to know how to avoid these issues and protect access to this super convenient venue? Remember “Groups” include student groups, climbing clubs as well as organised schools, outdoor centres and instructor led groups!
Read on for the details.
The BMC and the MountainTraining Association have got together with Conwy County Borough Council and Natural Resources Wales to hold a free informal workshop to look at the issues surrounding group use at this very popular single pitch climbing venue and come up with user led solutions to theses issues.
When: Monday evening 17 September at 18.00
18.00 Meet at the Mynydd Marian Nature Reserve Car Park just off Bron y Llan Road (Note: this is not at the car park below the crag!), Map ref SH893773. Introduction to the workshop and to the Local Nature Reserve by Elfyn Jones (BMC Access Officer), Andy Boorman (BMC Access Volunteer and guide book author) and Lesley Lawson (Conwy Council Countryside Ranger).
18.30 Walk and talk to the crag looking at the issues – parking, noise, neighbours, vegetation clearance, erosion, litter, fixed equipment and belaying/crag etiquette (and even butterflies!).
19.00 Agree dates for work parties/conservation work for groups at the venue.
19.30 Finish
For more useful information on Mynydd Marian there is a really useful and free Education Pack for Teachers and a Local Nature Reserve guide.
The BMC also produce a great and free Green Guide for Climbing Groups with details of current best practice and how to minimse impact for all groups of climbers.
For further info contact the BMC Office for Wales on 01690 720124 or Mountain Training Association on 01690 720272.
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