Cardiff Uni students collect 12 bin bags of rubbish from Taff's Well & Pinnacle, South Wales

Posted by Claire Maxted on 01/05/2024

Fantastic work from Cardiff University Mountaineering Club (CUMC) last weekend, they cleared at least 12 large bags of litter and a broken mountain bike from Taff’s Well main area and Pinnacle, a roadside crag on the outskirts of Cardiff that suffers from rubbish from traffic blown into the climbing area.

We can’t emphasise enough how important this work is in helping the BMC’s access team to keep persuading the landowners and government that climbers should be allowed access to crags and can be trusted to look after them. And it makes them nicer for climbers to enjoy too!

So a massive thank you goes to all of the volunteers from Cardiff University Mountaineering Club, together they collected at least a dozen large bin bags of rubbish that filled a car. After their efforts, the group still had enough energy to celebrate with a climb on the newly cleaned crag. 

BMC Policy & Campaigns Officer (Wales) Eben Muse says, ”It was a great turn-out with Cardiff students taking a break from their busy climbing schedule to look after one of South Wales' most convenient roadside crags. Its roadside status unfortunately has made it a popular fly tipping spot, and it collects much of the rubbish from the nearby A470 road. 

“Cans, tins, bottles, and huge amounts of plastics plus a broken bicycle were collected from the undergrowth filling 12 bags of rubbish. This kind of work really helps the access team in our work to negotiate access with landowners, or campaign for more progressive laws permitting access to more places. The positive effect of clean-ups on nature also can't be overstated, and the visual impact is immediate - it's just a win-win.

If you'd like to organise a BMC litter pick, get in touch!"

Want to help us further in the fight for access and conservation? For more volunteering opportunities with the BMC click here.


Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd yn casglu llond car o sbwriel o Ffynnon Taf a Phinnacl, De Cymru

Gwaith ardderchog gan Glwb Mynydda Prifysgol Caerdydd (CUMC) y penwythnos diwethaf; fe wnaethon nhw glirio 12 bag mawr o sbwriel o brif ardal Ffynnon Taf a Pinnacle, clogwyn ar ochr y ffordd ar gyrion Caerdydd sy’n dioddef o sbwriel oherwydd traffig yn chwythu tua’r graig a’r ardal o’i amgylch.

Ni allwn bwysleisio digon pa mor bwysig yw’r gwaith hwn o ran helpu tîm mynediad y BMC i ddal ati i berswadio’r tirfeddianwyr a’r llywodraeth y dylid caniatáu i ddringwyr gael mynediad at glogwyni ac y gellir ymddiried ynddynt i ofalu amdanynt. Ac mae'n eu gwneud nhw'n brafiach i ddringwyr eu mwynhau hefyd!

Felly diolch yn fawr iawn i holl wirfoddolwyr Clwb Mynydda Prifysgol Caerdydd, gyda'i gilydd casglwyd o leiaf dwsin o fagiau bin mawr o sbwriel a oedd yn llenwi car. Ar ôl eu hymdrechion, roedd gan y grŵp ddigon o egni i ddathlu gyda dringo ar y clogwyn newydd ei lanhau.

Meddai Swyddog Polisi ac Ymgyrchoedd y BMC (Cymru) Eben Muse, ”Roedd y nifer fawr yn bresennol gyda myfyrwyr Caerdydd yn cymryd hoe o'u hamserlen ddringo brysur i ofalu am un o glogwyni ymyl ffordd mwyaf cyfleus De Cymru. Yn anffodus mae ei lleoliad wrth ymyl y ffordd wedi ei wneud yn fan tipio anghyfreithlon poblogaidd, ac mae’n casglu llawer o’r sbwriel o ffordd yr A470 gerllaw.

“Casglwyd caniau, tuniau, poteli, a llawer iawn o blastig ynghyd â beic wedi torri o'r isdyfiant gan lenwi 12 bag o sbwriel. Mae’r math hwn o waith wir yn helpu’r tîm mynediad yn ein gwaith i drafod mynediad gyda thirfeddianwyr, neu ymgyrchu am ddeddfau mwy blaengar sy’n caniatáu mynediad i fwy o leoedd. Ni ellir gorbwysleisio’r effaith gadarnhaol ar fyd natur ychwaith, ac mae'r effaith weledol yn unionsyth – mae hi’n ‘win-win’.

Os hoffech chi drefnu sesiwn codi sbwriel BMC, cysylltwch â ni!"

Eisiau ein helpu ni ymhellach yn y frwydr dros fynediad a chadwraeth? Am fwy o gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli gyda'r BMC cliciwch yma.

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