BMC International Meets are week long gatherings of climbers from all over the world. The aim is to showcase the uniqueness of British climbing and its ethics and traditions, along with fostering international relationships.
The 2015 BMC International Summer Climbing Meet will be based in the majestic Llanberis Pass, North Wales, from 10 to 17 May. During the week approximately 30 international guests from up to 25 countries will be teamed up with British host climbers to go climbing. Past Meets have attracted climbers not only from Europe but as far as Japan, South Africa, India, Pakistan, China, Canada, America, Israel, New Zealand and Iran.
We are looking for approxiamtely 30 UK Host climbers
Each day you will be teamed up with an international guest climber. Your role is to climb together with them and show them what trad climbing in North Wales is all about. You need to be a competent trad climber with experience of climbing in North Wales.
Read all about being a host
To be considered as a host climber please complete the online host application form by 30 January 2015.
The BMC International Summer Climbing Meet will run from Sunday 10 to Sunday 17 May 2015.
The Meet will be held at the Climbers' Club Hut Ynys Ettws in the heart of Llanberis Pass, North Wales.
Each day an international guest will be paired with a host climber to go out climbing.
Partnerships will change every few days so that you get to climb with different people.
There will be one day’s stewardship work for Snowdonia National Park.
There will be several evening presentations throughout the week (evening programme to be confirmed nearer the time).
International climbers
Invites were sent to the international federations by email on 1 December. Please contact your federation if you wish to take part as an international guest. The deadline for Federations to apply by is Friday 16 January 2015.
Further information
Please contact Becky McGovern at the BMC by email or telephone 0161 438 3302.
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