Fear of litigation has become a high-profile issue in the last few years. In some cases, this fear has prevented access to our great outdoors. Dealing with the myths and reality of occupier's liability comes under the spotlight at the forthcoming BMC Conference on risk, liability and adventure. Bookings are still being taken.
The BMC hosts this event on 1 November at Castleton YHA. We're looking at perceptions of risk in the outdoors, current management of risk in the natural environment and how better to liaise with landowners, managers and insurers to ensure better understanding of risk-taking in sport. Instances of litigation have been rare and personal responsibility has been recognised and balanced within many judgements but some landowners remain doubtful whether they should give access to their land.
The event is aimed at representative sporting and land owning bodies, landowners and managers and all those with an interest in balancing recreation and risk.
A number of speakers will be presenting on the day giving a broad range of perspectives on risk in the outdoors and the objectives of the day are to provide a technical update on the latest legislative, insurance, liability and wider land management considerations and to share experiences of managing risks and the perception of risk taking in the outdoors.
This one day event costs £30 and places are still available. If you would like more information or a registration pack, please contact Suzanne Jones on Suzanne@thebmc.co.uk or by phoning 0161 438 3322.
For more information on occupiers’ liability and how this affects climbing, download the BMC’s leaflet on Climbing & Occupiers Liability.
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