On Wednesday 18th July BMC Press Officer Tina Gardner and BMC Access and Conservation Officer, Dr. Catherine Flitcroft were invited to the House of Commons to join the Ramblers Association to celebrate the launch of the public consultation on coastal access.
The event was a reception organised by the Ramblers Association and Paddy Tipping MP. Over 40 people attended the event including a number of MP’s. The reception was organised to celebrate the important public consultation on improving access to our English coastline. Jonathan Shaw (the new Minister for Rural Affairs) also gave a small talk on the importance of the coastal access consultation and the possibility of new coastal access legislation being part of the forthcoming Marine Bill.
The BMC and the RA along with a number of other recreational organisations have been working together to ensure coastal access is kept at the forefront of political and public debate. We believe that the Government should designate a coastal access corridor along the entire coast of England, within which there would be a presumption in favour of multi-user access for informal, responsible recreation and which should also include measures to improve and conserve biodiversity along the English coast.
Why not have your say and join the coastal access campaign! Click here for more info.
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