A substantial rockfall has occured in the Avon Gorge recently, leaving a significant number of fallen blocks under Unknown Wall.
Martin Crocker, the BMC's ClimbBristol project officer, has been on site and comments:
"A large rockfall has occurred at the extreme left-hand end of Unknown Wall. An 8mx8m section of the cliff immediately left of Halcyon Days' has collapsed - littering 100 cubic metres of blocks on the slope uphill ...of the start of Unknown Wall. Some of the discharged material is precariously poised and ultimately could do with being rolled to a lower, stable position. An official appeared to be inspecting the site today but I will nonetheless let Bristol City Council know that we are aware of it now. The climbs didn't appear to be directly affected, but care will be required hereabouts especially when scrambling up to Desecrator etc."
With the current cold weather and freeze-thaw cycles there may be more loose rock around in the Gorge and at other crags than usual so it's worth being extra careful when getting out on the crags in the coming months.
For more information on what the ClimbBristol project is getting up to, check out the facebook page which has regular updates on progress:
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