BAIML appoints press officer

Posted by Tina Gardner on 27/07/2009
BAIML folk

If you haven't heard of The British Association of International Mountain Leaders, then you soon will as it has just appointed a Press & PR Officer.

BAIML has over 400 members and is a professional association of qualified mountaineers leading treks and snowshoeing parties all over the world – from the Arctic to the Andes.

Barry Lynn's role as the new PR officer will be to increase the media’s awareness of BAIML and the ever growing popularity of all forms of mountaineering. Mr Lynn holds an IML – which involves prolonged mountaineering experience, intensive training courses and assessments in all types of mountain environments. All BAIML members haves been trained, assessed and qualified in mountain safety, navigation, first aid, emergency ropework, group management, altitude sickness and physiology. An IML is a guarantee of the highest possible standards and experience in trekking the mountains of the world.

All IMLs hold the carnet and wear the badges of the Union of International Mountain Leader Associations (UIMLA), and they follow their standards and code of practice. The IML award is a professional qualification, recognised since 1993 by the former Commission Européenne des Accompagnateurs en Montagne (CEAM), and since November 2004 by UIMLA. 

Source BAIML

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