Avon peregrine disturbance

Posted by Guy Keating on 07/06/2007

On 4th June, the BMC learned a team climbed near the Avon Gorge Main Wall (Right-Hand Section) nest site, and to make matters worse, they were filmed doing so by a BBC film crew who happened to be in the area.

Charles Stapleton (Bristol Ornithological Club) called us to describe what had happened and will be sending a copy of the film to the BMC as soon as it becomes available. The restriction is clearly signed on-site, and climbers should be aware that peregrine are protected by law and disturbance can lead to prosecution and fines.

Mr Stapleton also said that on the whole climbers in Avon were very co-operative and this was the first serious incident of this nature.  The BMC spends a considerable amount of time and effort working with statutory bodies and conservation organisations to ensure agreed nesting restrictions offer climbers the least restrictive option during a key period in the birds reproductive cycle. There is widespread support for this work from the climbing community and fortunately disturbance incidents of this ilk are extremely rare - so keep up the good work.

Watch this space for any developments and remember the whole of the Main Wall (Right - Hand Section) is restricted until 30th June or when the chicks fledge.

For full details see the BMC Regional Access Database (RAD) at, https://www.thebmc.co.uk/bmccrag/


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