The BMC is working hard on coastal access.
There is currently a lack of clarity and consistency in access arrangements along the coast of England and there are many areas that remain inaccessible.
Part 9 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act addresses this and places a duty on the Secretary of State and Natural England to secure two objectives – to create a series of long-distance routes around the coast of England (a coastal path), and a margin of land along the length of the English coast (a coastal margin) accessible for recreation.
The BMC has campaigned long and hard to secure better coastal access and were heavily involved with shaping Part 9 of the Act as it went through parliament in 2008/9.
The legislation will be implemented by Natural England over the coming years, who will propose a series of long-distance routes and decide on the location of a margin of land to which the public will have access. This will be done in consultation with local people, and local access authorities.
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