During these times of climbing and hill-walking lockdown, our dedicated team of staff has been giving weekly access updates and responding to your questions through a series of live Q&As on our Facebook page. Missed them at the time? Not to worry, you can catch up on all the answers here:
🍃 Tuesday 9th February: BMC Access & Conservation Programme 2021: Q&A
BMC's Head of Access, Conservation & Environmental Sustainability, Dave Turnbull, updates us on the BMC Access & Conservation programme for 2021 covering: plans & priorities for 2021, The Climate Project & sustainability, campaign updates: Hills 2 Oceans, Mend Our Mountains, No Moor BBQs, Respect the Rock & BMC Crag Code and plans for BMC owned crags
🎤 Thursday 18th November: Mountain Training Qualifications Q&A
Are you thinking of embarking on your Rock Climbing Instructor, Lowland Leader or Mountain Leader Qualification this winter?

Mountain Training Chief Executive John Cousins answers your questions.
🛡️ Thursday 12th November: Protect Southern Sandstone
Southern Sandstone BMC Rep Adrian Paisey explains the special lockdown situation over at the Sandstone crags that will help us prevent irreversible damage to the rock. Read about the sandstone situation here
🎆 Thursday 5th November: England Lockdown Take II
What does the latest lockdown mean for hillwalking and climbing? Our CEO Dave Turnbull answered your burning questions and gave an overview on the latest situation.
🧀 Wednesday 12th August: Mountain Training Q&A
Mountain Training Executive Guy Jarvis outlined the guidance available to instructors and leaders, Covid adaptations for groups, current course provisions and more.
Rich Emerson from the ABC went live on our Facebook page and answered all your climbing wall questions.
From how effective is liquid chalk at sanitizing your hands to if there are any restrictions or guidelines on harness rentals, Rich answered them all:
🧀 Thursday 16th July: Pembroke Coast Access Q&A
BMC Access Rep Steve Quinton answered your questions; from the MOD firing ranges, to sea cliff safety and nesting birds. This is a must watch if you're thinking of climbing there.
BMC Access Rep and Cheddar Warden Mark Courtiour took your questions on how to #RespectTheRock when climbing at Cheddar, as access restrictions came into play from 1 July.
🧀 Thursday 2nd July: Cheddar Gorge Access Q&A
BMC Access Rep and Cheddar Warden Mark Courtiour took your questions on how to #RespectTheRock when climbing at Cheddar, as access restrictions came into play from 1 July.
🎙️ Wednesday 10th May: Mountain Training Q&A
CEO of Mountain Training UK & Ireland John Cousins told us about the situation regarding Mountain Training course delivery, what’s happening in each nation, what candidates could be doing to prepare for the future and answered your questions.
📺 Friday 5th June: Starts of Climbing Blind, Jesse Dutfon and Molly Thompson Q&A
Jesse and Molly answered your questions about their ground-breaking 'non-sight' ascent of the Old Man of Hoy. Not seen Climbing Blind yet? Catch the film on BBC iPlayer
🎙️ Wednesday 3rd June: Southern Sandstone: Live from Bull's Hollow
Local Area Rep Adrian Paisey reports live from Bulls Hollow Rocks, one of the Southern Sandstone crags, and answers your access questions on the skills required to access, protect and enjoy the capital's nearest rock climbing areas.
🎙️ Wednesday 27th May: Reopening the Walls: With Chair of the Association of British Climbing Walls (ABC)
Rich Emerson went live to update us on what the ABC has been working on behind the scenes to open up climbing walls safely, and ran a Q&A on what this might look like in possibly July.
🎙️ Wednesday 20th May: BMC Live Update with Access Officer Rob Dyer
With England opening up for climbing and hill walking, one of our access officers, Rob Dyer, talks through questions about heading out there, bird restrictions and crag access.
🎙️ Wednesday 13th May: BMC Live Update with CEO Dave Turnbull
Following the latest government announcement that allows the gradual return to hill walking and climbing, we give you the rundown of the BMC official advice. Remember, stay within your limits to minimise risk of accidents. Avoid very popular areas: be flexible, have backup plans. Stay 2m apart from anybody outside your household, be cautious of touching shared surfaces.
🎙️ Wednesday 6th May: BMC Live Update with CEO Dave Turnbull
Dave went live to tell us about the latest access updates and meetings the team have been having with National Park bodies and other outdoor organisations to create contingency plans for the eventual return to the outdoors. Find out what the updates are and how the plans are being forged:
🎙️ Friday 1 May: Hidden History in the Hills with Mary-Ann Ochota
Mary-Ann, author of Hidden Histories: A Spotter’s Guide to the British Landscape and Hillwalking Ambassador for the BMC revealed some of the brilliant archaeology you might spot in the British hills (and how to explore them from the comfort of your locked-down armchair for the time being). Have you ever gone for a walk and wondered what some of the weird lumps and bumps are? Whether that heap of stones is anything more than a heap of stones?
Now's your chance to find out about burial mounds, Roman roads, ancient fields and commoners' fells. With tips on what to look for on a map, as well as when you're out in the wilds - what are you looking at, and what history does it reveal?
🎙️ Wednesday 29 April: Live QnA with the BMC Access Team
BMC Access and Conservation Officer, Rob Dyer, went live to give BMC members the latest update on the BMC's advice for current outdoor access and gave you a look at what goes on behind the scenes in the access and conservation world.
🎙️ Wednesday 22 April: Live QnA with BMC CEO
Dave Turnbull went live to give BMC members the latest update on the BMC's current status and Covid access situation.
The next BMC Live sessions are
13 May: GB Climbing are going live on Wed 13 May to answer all your questions about GB Climbing, the GB Climbing Team and the Olympics.
Follow the BMC on Facebook to get notified of all live events.
More FAQs about the BMC and Covid-19
🌳 Can I go climbing / hill walking in England? Here's what you can and can't do in the 3rd Lockdown (January 2021)
🌳 What's the situation for climbing and hill walking in Wales? Read our full January update
😷 When and will the walls reopen? In England and Wales they're now closed for the National Lockdown. Read our walls article
✈️ I have a travel insurance question! Here's the FAQs
🏡 Do you have any advice for clubs and huts? Check out our latest clubs, meets and huts update
🛒 Is the BMC shop open? Yes - it is and BMC members get 10% off!
We want to say thanks to every BMC member supporting us through the Coronavirus crisis.
From weekly Facebook Lives and GB Climbing home training videos, to our access team working to re-open the crags and fight for your mountain access, we're making through with your support.
If you liked what we are doing, then tell your friends about us: www.thebmc.co.uk/join
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