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e-Newsletter May 2015

In response to the devastating earthquakes, we are calling on the outdoor community to pledge items for an exciting charity auction to raise funds for the people of Nepal.

A unanimous result for the year's most important election – we have a new BMC president, Rehan Siddiqui, who succeeds Scott Titt, and Nick Kurth replaces Mike Watson as a vice-president.

The wait for a definitive guidebook to Peak District limestone is almost over. Peak Limestone North, the first of a two-volume series, is due out later this month. Pre-order your copy now.

Dave Turnbull, BMC CEO

Latest BMC News
Lend a hand: donate unique items to BMC eBay auction for Nepal
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Interview from base camp: the worst Everest disaster in history
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Moving forward: AGM ushers in new era for BMC
Over 100 BMC members, new and old, gathered together at the BMC AGM at Plas y Brenin in north Wales this weekend, where we welcomed in a new president and vice president.
BMC/MCofS Junior Boulder Cup - Round 2
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Peak Limestone North: now in stock
Like the lime? You'll love Peak Limestone North: the new definitive guide to Peak limestone by the BMC guidebook team. And the good news is that it is now in stock.
TremFest 2016: Refreshing Tremadog
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Scrambling skills: the grades explained
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Improving communication with deaf climbers
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Hill skills: how to use bothies
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Stanage sticker campaign kicks off
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More counterfeit products discovered
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