Women in Adventure Film Competition 2020

Posted by Emma Travers on 31/07/2019

Switch your cameras back on as the Women in Adventure Film Competition is back in action and you won't want to miss it! If you've got a story to tell, it's time to do so!

We want to see your adventures captured on film and keep the cycle of inspiration rolling as we head into the sixth year of the competition. 

The results of a recent survey carried out by Women in Adventure concluded that a staggering 99.6% strongly agreed that the outdoors had a positive impact on their mental wellbeing. So with stats like, let's keep documenting all that positivity!

#WAF20 is launched

"Ice swimming, climbing and running films, silver medal world champ winner...and that’s just before the interval" - Jacquie Budd

On August 1st film and adventure fanatics gathered in Outside Café in Hathersage to join us in launching the 2020 Women in Adventure Film Competition. BMC President Lynn Robinson and Womenclimb Founder Emily Pitts co-hosted the brilliant evening, leading us now to officially say we are accepting submissions!

The sold-out event was a collaboration between the BMC, Womenclimb, Outside and served to launch the competition and raise money for the Women's Trad Festival. With both the ticket sales and the wonderful auction run by Outside, the event raised £942 in total!  

What we're looking for

We're after films that are up to 10 minutes long (though they can be much shorter if you choose!) about the adventures of an outdoor-loving woman or women. 

You don't have to be a pro filmmaker or an elite athlete to enter. We want to see films featuring females of all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities. 

Do something different! Make your film stand out by putting your own spin on the competition. Your film doesn't have to be a documentary and could be completely fictional. Get creative and make the competition what you want it to be.

Watch the trailer which shows the great range of films submitted in last year's competition alone:

Why you should enter

The aim of this competition is to increase the number of outdoorsy women on the big screen, but we need your films to make that happen. In fact, this year we are putting an emphasis on elevating the voice of grassroot filmmakers that wouldn't otherwise be heard on a significant national and international platform, meaning we will be offering out direct feedback sessions, before and after the deadline, as the year progresses.

Women in Adventure judge and Womenclimb founder Emily Pitts says, "The excitement about women in adventure films is growing. Each year we’ve seen the number of entries and the diversity of films increasing. Now is an incredible time to be participating in adventurous activities and I’m so excited to see the next generation of films on our screens in January 2020. If you’ve got a story to tell, it’s time to be told!"

2019 winning director Emma Crome says "the Women In Adventure Film Competition offers a new wave of accessibility for emerging adventure film makers, providing a supportive network of peers, professionals and mentors that can make all the difference when it comes to progressing your film making. It was wonderful to receive the award for our film 'Aziza' last year, as we feel it is indicative of how our adventure film network can give something back to the people and communities we explore".

By entering the competition, you'll not only be in with a chance of winning cash prizes and the opportunity to showcase your film at some epic outdoor film festivals, but you'll also spur on fellow females to get outside and maybe try something new. 

The Prizes

The Montane Women in Adventure Award: £600 + ShAFF (Sheffield Adventure Film Festival) and Kendal Mountain Festival screenings + free entry into the Banff Mountain Film Competition.

Runner Up: £300

Most Watched: £300

Best Professional Film: £300

All film entries will be shown on BMC TV (TeamBMC Youtube channel). Judging guidelines are available to enable you to devise a film, which you feel meets the brief most effectively. 

The Most Watched category will be decided by the number of views each film receives on the TeamBMC Youtube Channel. The film with the highest number of views will receive the award.

The Best Professional Film is for those films that have been commercially backed and/or produced by a film company. You can see the submission form for the full criteria for this category.

The Judges

Emma Brennand

Emma is an award-winning director who has "scripted, directed and taken through the edit blue chip natural history, presenter & contributor films", with credits including Blue Planet.

Claire Carter 

Claire is a writer, poet and a creative consultant in the outdoor industry. Claire is the Artistic Director for Kendal Mountain Festival and Head judge at Sheffield Adventure Film Festival.

Emily Pitts 

Emily is the CEO and Founder of Womenclimb, the only UK platform designed to give women the confidence, skills and networks to get into climbing.

Lynn Robinson

Keen advocate for the Women in Adventure competition year on year, Lynn is President of the BMC and brings with her judging experience from sitting on the jury panel for Banff Mountain Film Festival in 2019.

What to do

So now you're psyched and ready to get going, here's how to enter:

1) Get filming

Remember that your film should be 10 minutes tops and feature a woman as the main protagonist. Check out these from Paul Diffley's video guide to adventure filmmaking to help you get started. Or veteran filmmaker Alastair Lee's best advice on making an outdoor film.

2) Download the Entry Form & Submission Guidelines and the Judging Guidelines

3) Submit your film by midnight (GMT) on Monday 13 January 2020

Send a Dropbox link (or similar) to emma@thebmc.co.uk using the subject line “Women in Adventure Film Competition”, accompanied by the entry form. 

Good luck!

Want to host your own Women in Adventure film night?

We want to share the amazing array of adventures that have been submitted to us over the years, so what better way to do that than to invite you to host your own film evening!

Whether you’re an indoor wall, an outdoor activity centre, a club, running an event or just want to get a group of friends together, our vast BMC Women in Adventure film catalogue will let you tailor your own film night to your own audience! 

Need inspiration?

WATCH: the 2019 winners

WATCH: the 2018 winners

WATCH: the 2017 winners

WATCH: the 2016 winners

WATCH: the 2015 winners

Sign up to our email list to get all the latest news and updates about the competition:

Women in Adventure Film Subscription List

* indicates required

























The BMC TV Women in Adventure Film Competition is back and accepting submissions for 2022. So dive in, if you have a story to tell or a cause to share it's time to do so!

We want to see your adventures captured on film and keep the cycle of inspiration rolling as we head into the eighth year of the competition, supported by Montane.

WATCH: All the entries to the Women in Adventure Film Competition 2021 on BMC TV

FIND OUT MORE AND ENTER: Submit an entry

WATCH: Women in Adventure Film Competition 2022 Trailer on BMC TV

Need inspiration?

WATCH: All the 2021 winners and entries

WATCH: All the 2020 winners and entries

WATCH: All the 2019 winners and entries

WATCH: All the 2018 winners and entries

WATCH: All the 2017 winners and entries

WATCH: All the 2016 winners and entries

WATCH: All the 2015 winners and entries


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