The crag lies within a National Nature Reserve and is an important area of SSSI semi-ancient woodland with Special Protection Area (SPA) status. The Lake District National Park Authority (responsible for managing recreation at Chapel Head) and the BMC have worked closely together to develop the following good practice guidelines which should be followed by all climbers visiting the crag:
No access to cliffs north of central gully.
Please do not remove ivy or damage trees along crag base.
Take all litter home with you.
There are no toilets at Chapel Head - please be discreet.
Restrictions apply from
1 March
30 June.
Reason: Nesting Birds
Signed restriction for nesting peregrine, applies to the whole crag. This pair of birds are well established having nested sucessfully on the crag for a number of years.
As always, the nest site will be monitored and the restriction lifted if the young birds fledge early - this page will be kept udpated as soon as any additional information is received from those monitoring the site which might change the details of the restriction.
CRoW Information
The cliff and approach are not on Open Access land. However, a large part of the reserve (above the cliff) is, see map here;