High Loven Scar

Eastern Crags

Natural gritstone edge, 15 - 17m high, with some areas of good rock.  Beware that there are very few natural anchors available at the top of the crag.

Crag information
Climbing Area: Lake District Rock Type: Gritstone
Importance: Local CRoW Land: Yes
Ownership: Unknown No. of Routes: 12
Within National Park: No Year Developed: 2023
Grid Reference: NY798002

The crag lies in an SSSI.  Natural England are happy for climbing to take place here provided that the following rules are respected:
1) No gardening / vegetation removal.

2) Routes should be examined carefully for evidence of nesting birds before climbing.  Do not climb a route if there appear to be birds nesting nearby and retreat if nesting birds are inadvertently encountered.  Inform Natural England if Peregrine Falcons, Ring Ouzel or Merlin are encountered in the vicinity of the crag.  You can contact Natural England via the crag moderator on john.proctor1982@gmail.com - am happy to talk to Natural England on behalf of other climbers.

A voluntary agreement has been made that climbers should restrict their activities to the parts of this crag (and neighbouring Hangingstone scar) indicated in the linked photo:


Parking and Approach

Parking for several vehicles is available in a layby on the B6259 about 1 km south of Outhgill, where the "Pennine journey" bridleway crosses the road.  To approach the crag, follow the bridleway in the south-easterly direction for about 500m then turn left to head directly uphill.  There are two tiers, the lower (Low Loven Scar) has no worthwhile climbing.  Head either way round the lower tier to reach the upper tier, High Loven Scar.

CRoW Information

The crag lies on CRoW land.

Area information

With implimentation of the CRoW Act (2000), many Lakes fells and crags now have an Open Access designation. They also have many nationally important bird and plant species dependant on inaccessible crags/ledges and heather/mixed heath environments for survival. During the bird nesting period, a number of species can be vulnerable to disturbance. The Lake District restrictions are monitored, variable (VR) and reviewed in April/May. If the birds do not nest, restrictions are lifted early. Check the BMC and FRCC websites in early May for details. New restrictions will be notified on the websites and with on-site notices. To view the BMC's Lake District Green Climbing Guide click this link: www.thebmc.co.uk/lake-district-green-guide

Weather Information

There are no guidebooks assigned to this crag

There are no files associated with this crag

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