A review of the previous access agreement with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) has now taken place and the climbable area has been extended,
This extension is only possible due to climbers following the agreed access since 2018 and demonstrating that we are a responsible user group. Needless to say maintaining this extended access depends on future adherence to the below climber's code of conduct too:
All routes left of It’s A Sin on the lower tier and the whole of the upper tier on Main Cliff are permanently restricted to provide a sanctuary area within the reserve.
Peregrines have nested on the crag in the past and nesting restrictions may apply
Only use existing paths to prevent damage to sensitive habitat
No removal of trees or branches on the crag or elsewhere within the reserve
Take your litter home and pick up any you find at the crag
No fires, camping or bivvying anywhere on the GWT’s land
No further new routing