Sheltered, popular and polished - good cracklines.
Climbing Area:
Peak District
Rock Type:
CRoW Land:
National Trust
No. of Routes:
Within National Park:
Year Developed:
Grid Reference:
Restrictions apply from
28 April
30 June.
Reason: Nesting Birds
Parking and Approach
Parking for a round 80 vehicles is available in the Surprise View pay and display car park. This is a Peak District National Park Authority car park . Annual and weekly permits are available, which cover this and other PDNPA car parks.
This car park is gated shut overnight at weekends - 21:30 on Friday, Saturday (and Sunday if prior to a bank holiday Monday). The following day the gate may be open as early as 06:00, but PDNPA only guarantee it will be opened by 09:00. Efforts are being made to improve this situation. In the meantime should you arrive before the gate is open please do not park in the entrance. Alternative parking is available in a layby 0.9km further towards Hathersage.
CRoW Information
The land above the crag is Open Access, the crag itself isn't.
Group Advice
All group leaders should familiarise themselves with BMC guidelines for group use, see here,
Guidebook info currently being updated
There are no files associated with this crag