Easy access but tidal. Lots of conservation interest including nesting birds and a very rare flower - the South Stack Spathulate Fleawort - a nationally rare endemic species that grows along the cliff edges. No gardening or placing of any additional belay stakes allowed anywhere on this coastline.
The Fortress may have guls nesting later into the summer, before crossing onto the Island make a judgement if you will disturb any disturb before crossing.
Restrictions apply from
1 February
31 July.
Reason: Nesting Birds
Refer to current guide book (Gogarth South by Ground Up) for individual seasonal route access info - however these have been slightly amended since 2018. The dates for each section are different due to the different bird species present :-
Seasonal restrictions apply to the following cliffs and routes :
Botox Zawn - restriction for "Salute of the Tengu" to "RAF Brown Slab" Feb 1st to June 30th.
One Stack Zawn - Restriction amended and reduced to include "Angel of the West" only (nest is in the cave to the right. Feb 1st to June 30th.
Anvil Porus Area - as in guidebook, All routes restricted, Feb 1st to July 31st (Razorbill Colony)
Ementhal Zawn - as in guidebook, all routes restricted, Feb 1st to July 31st
Housetrap Zawn - as in guidebook, the whole zawn is restricted due to nesting Choughs Feb 1st to June 30th.
Pooh Bay - as in guidebook - Nesting Choughs, Feb 1st to June 30th.
Dichotomous Wall- as in guidebook, nesting Choughs Feb 1st to June 30th.
The Fortress (Dinas) - as in guidebook 2 pairs of Choughs nesting here Feb 1st to June 30th. As mentioned above this area is used by nesting guls. Please check before crossing as to whether its appropriate to climb on the Fortress (likely to still be nesting till mid August).