Actually a series of small outcrops up to 30ft high (mostly lower, though it may feel much more if you're trying a weird move round an overhang). A good spot for a summer evening's bouldering, but shrouded in trees and very green in winter. You may find E grades more appropriate than Vs for some problems.
Porous sandstone - avoid climbing when damp or after recent rain.
Parking and Approach
Head W on the A56 from Frodsham (off the M56). Turn L onto the B5393. After 1.4mi the road turns R; carry straight on for 700m and park by a track leading L into the woods. Follow the track and turn L through a kissing gate just before the track enters a small ravine. Follow a path more or less diagonally through a new plantation to another kissing gate at the top. Go through the gate and drop down L. to the first buttress (Hoopla) after a few more metres.
Alternative (reportedly better) parking is available at the former golf club -
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