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e-Newsletter October 2020

With COVID rules continually changing, stay up to date with how social distancing rules affect hill walking and climbing in your area.

The next round of area meetings will host local area AGMs. Find out how you can get involved virtually here.

Latest BMC News
Coronavirus update – new rule of 6
In response to the new ‘rule of six’ announced by Government on Monday 14 September, the BMC has summarised the most recent guidance and will try to keep this updated as soon as new information or changes are made available.
Local lockdown in Wales
As Covid infection rates rise, the Welsh Government has introduced local lockdowns in parts of Wales. The Welsh lockdowns are more stringent than in England with legally enforceable travel restrictions on residents and visitors. Updated: October 14th.
Help Mountain Heritage Trust with its 20th anniversary fundraising campaign
Since March 2000, the Mountain Heritage Trust has worked as an independent charity to protect and promote the extraordinary history of British mountaineering and climbing. Now it needs your donations to ensure it can preserve Britain’s mountain heritage for years to come.
National Competitions: Feedback Required
Here's our proposal to reschedule the competition climbing calendar from 2021 onwards.
Conville course Scottish winter programme cancelled for 2021
The Jonathan Conville Memorial Trust has, with a heavy heart, decided to cancel its 2021 winter course programme in Scotland.
Take care around cows: warning for walkers
Each year there are reports of people who have been attacked, or even trampled to death, by cows whilst out walking or approaching crags. In 2014, BMC member Simon Coldrick was badly injured after a cow attacked him as he led a fell race on the edge of Sheffield.
The grass isn’t greener for everyone: why access to green space matters
The Ramblers have launched new research outlining how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our attitude to nature and walking. Their new campaign has been created to ensure that everyone, everywhere has good access to high quality green space.
An update on the new Interim Executive and Board matters
An update on the new Interim Executive role, Board updates on recent resignations, plans for moving forward including a statement from National Council.
Student Club Officers Handbook, Renewing club members
Student club affiliation with the BMC runs in tandem to the academic year – 1st October to 30th September. This means that on 1st October each year the annual renewal for your club and its members becomes due. From 1st October you will be able to log-in to Membership Services Online (MSO) and start submitting your membership records.
Covid19 and restarting club meets
This guidance is to help clubs to restart meets while adhering to the government regulations.
BMC Coach Education & FUNdamentals workshops
Whether climbing or coaching indoors, on the crags, or in the Alps our workshops cover a range of themes that will broaden your knowledge and improve your coaching.
Advice for graduating students
With graduation and the transition to life after university now a reality for many student climbers, we wanted to share some advice on pursuing climbing and mountaineering outside of the world of student clubs.
Statement from the BMC National Council and Board
In line with our commitment to members the National Council have continued to review the Board progress against their stated plan and will continue to update Members as work progresses.
Volunteer Story: Kim Leyland
Kim volunteers in the Peak area, monitoring vulnerable species and managing reports of nesting birds.
Peak Bolt Fund volunteers help install bolted anchors at BMC owned Aldery Cliff
Following an uncertain few years, work has recently taken place at Aldery to replace the tree lower offs removed in 2017 with bolt lower offs, in a collaboration between BMC volunteers, staff and volunteers from the Peak Bolt Fund.
Want to get in touch?
177-179 Burton Road
M20 2BB
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