Windmore End

Eden Valley

A long escarpment containing numerous short pitches (up to about 12m) with a fine view over the head of the Eden Valley. There is also a very small Gritstone escarpment near the crag.

Crag information
Climbing Area: Lake District Rock Type: Limestone
Importance: Local CRoW Land: No
Ownership: Private No. of Routes: 95
Within National Park: No Year Developed:
Grid Reference: NY 822 167

The crag is in three sections - divided by two walls. 

The right-hand section is on CRoW Access Land  -  however in October 2024 there appeared a homemade sign “Private Land – No Access” on the roadside gate of the track that leads past the limekiln to the righthand end of Windmore End Crag. The gate has also been padlocked.  This is being investigated by the local Access Representative. Anyone wishing to climb here should disregard the signage, which is in breach of section 14 of the CROW act. If challenged please take a name and contact details of the individual and pass these on to the BMC.

The middle section is directly behind the cottage and has, thanks to the owner, access to the land and crag, from the right-hand section. 

The left-hand section is not on CRoW access land and there is currently no access allowed to this land.  The wall at the top of the crag marks the start of CROW land, hence the crag is outside of the CROW area.

CRoW Information

Open access land, designated under the Countryside & Rights of Way Act (2000) give area access rather than linear access as provided by public rights of way. It also gives a legal right of access specifically for climbing, as well as walking and other quiet recreation on foot.

Please bear in mind however that the landowner still has the right to restrict access for up to 28 days per year (often used on public safety grounds for shooting in moorland areas), and can also apply for longer term restrictions with Natural England (such as bans on dogs, or regular restrictions during particular times of year). It is important to check for these restrictions regularly as they can be added at short notice – all details for open access land in England can be found on Natural England’s website.  

Area information

With implimentation of the CRoW Act (2000), many Lakes fells and crags now have an Open Access designation. They also have many nationally important bird and plant species dependant on inaccessible crags/ledges and heather/mixed heath environments for survival. During the bird nesting period, a number of species can be vulnerable to disturbance. The Lake District restrictions are monitored, variable (VR) and reviewed in April/May. If the birds do not nest, restrictions are lifted early. Check the BMC and FRCC websites in early May for details. New restrictions will be notified on the websites and with on-site notices. To view the BMC's Lake District Green Climbing Guide click this link:

Weather Information

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