
Eastern Crags

Pleasantly situated 3-buttress outcrop above the Pooley Bridge - Patterdale road. Routes to 25m, vegetation encroaching.

Crag information
Climbing Area: Lake District Rock Type: Volcanic
Importance: Local CRoW Land: Yes
Ownership: National Trust No. of Routes: 24
Within National Park: Yes Year Developed:
Grid Reference: NY 414 207

Gowbarrow is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and is subject to a Code of Practice agreed between the National Trust, Natural England and the British Mountaineering Council. The Code of Practice is for groups of climbers (individuals are not affected) and states that:

  • Group use of the crag is confined to the Lower Buttress.
  • All belaying is to be from the bottom of the buttress
  • Group movement is confined to the immediate area at the bottom of the buttress.
  • A group booking system is operated by Ullswater Outward Bound School to prevent overcrowding. Following rockfall in December 2005, the National Trust strongly recommend leaders of groups arrange an on-site briefing with Ullswater Outward Bound who are willing to share their experience and site specific risk assessments.

Due care with the rock should be taken as there have been rock falls.

Restrictions apply from 15 February - 31 May.

Reason: Nesting Birds

Unsigned restriction for nesting Ravens. The restriction applies to The Upper Buttress only - the Middle and Lower Buttreses remain open.

CRoW Information

Open access land, designated under the Countryside & Rights of Way Act (2000) give area access rather than linear access as provided by public rights of way. It also gives a legal right of access specifically for climbing, as well as walking and other quiet recreation on foot.

Please bear in mind however that the landowner still has the right to restrict access for up to 28 days per year (often used on public safety grounds for shooting in moorland areas), and can also apply for longer term restrictions with Natural England (such as bans on dogs, or regular restrictions during particular times of year). It is important to check for these restrictions regularly as they can be added at short notice – all details for open access land in England can be found on Natural England’s website.  

Group Advice

Group use of the lower-tier has been reinstated by the National Trust. Groups can now use the central part of the crag, left of the rockfall debris. They should contact The Outward Bound (Ullswater) on 017684 85000 for details of the restored access and informal booking arrangements.

Area information

With implimentation of the CRoW Act (2000), many Lakes fells and crags now have an Open Access designation. They also have many nationally important bird and plant species dependant on inaccessible crags/ledges and heather/mixed heath environments for survival. During the bird nesting period, a number of species can be vulnerable to disturbance. The Lake District restrictions are monitored, variable (VR) and reviewed in April/May. If the birds do not nest, restrictions are lifted early. Check the BMC and FRCC websites in early May for details. New restrictions will be notified on the websites and with on-site notices. To view the BMC's Lake District Green Climbing Guide click this link: www.thebmc.co.uk/lake-district-green-guide

Weather Information

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