Belmont Hall Crags

Western Gritstone

Two buttresses in wooded valley. The left-hand buttress is split by the wide crack of Kneewrecker Chimney (HVS) and bounded on its right by the superb The Face (E5 6b) and its left by the Jester (E5 6a) and the Clown (E3 6a).The Righthand Buttress is best visited for it central route Cave Crack (VS 4b) which has a bit of bridging to begin followed by perfect hand jamming.

Crag information
Climbing Area: Peak District Rock Type: Gritstone
Importance: Local CRoW Land: No
Ownership: Private Woodland No. of Routes: 25
Within National Park: No Year Developed:
Grid Reference: SK006503

There is no public access other than Public Rights of Way through  the woodland and the land owners do not wish the rocks to be used for climbing. Anyone seen climbing will be asked to leave immediately.

Area information

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