This area on the Lleyn coast spreads along approximately a kilometre of worthwhile little zawns, including: Za-woolf Zawn, Square Zawn, Pared Lech Y Melyn, Cleft Zawn, Handbag Zawn and Mad nest Zawn.
Climbing Area:
Rock Type:
CRoW Land:
No. of Routes:
Within National Park:
Year Developed:
Grid Reference:
SH 14619 24637
Restrictions apply from
1 February
31 July.
Reason: Nesting Birds
The nesting restriction apply:
Bags of Sand Zawn area: Cream Pie and Bags of Sand Only 1st April - 31st July.
Deep Zawn: Routes from Dianc to Modern Times 1st April to 31st July.
Pared Llech y Menyn: 1st Feb - 31st July (with the exception of the Yoni Wall area), the main cliff is an important area for roosting birds and should be avoided completely during the last hour before sunset.
Cleft Zawn - Restrictions on all routes from 1st April to 1st July.
Mad Nest Zawn -Restrictions on all routes from 1st April to 1st July.
Parking and Approach
Park in the same area as for Trwyn Maen Melyn, however from the Green head directly south following a footpath to the left side (east) of Mynydd Y Gwyddel, with a stone wall on your left. Once you reach the sea go through a gate to the left and the crags begin about 100m down the coast.
There are no guidebooks assigned to this crag
There are no files associated with this crag