New coaching award scheme gets underway

Posted by Tina Gardner on 01/10/2013
Climbing coaching is on the up. Credit: Mountain Training
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Mountain Training has just launched its new Coaching Award Scheme. There are three levels and registration is now open.

The scheme has three award levels  - Foundation, Development and Performance - and each level focuses on three important factors for coaching: what to coach, safe supervision and how to coach more effectively.

BMC Training Officer Jon Garside said: "The scheme is designed to develop the coaching skills of those working in climbing walls, but the coaching skills people will learn are transferable to other activities such as teaching children navigation or expedition skills. In this way the scheme  should also be of great interest to volunteer and professional leaders, instructors and guides."

"Being modular in design, people can undertake the training elements in the order most suited to them."  This is explained in detail here

"Whilst we hope people will continue to assessment, the Foundation and Development Coach training modules will in themselves allow a wide range of people to up-skill their current coaching practice."

There have been huge leaps forward in the recognition of the value of coaching in climbing in recent years. The new award scheme now provides a pathway for qualifications in coaching and builds on the existing FUNdamentals courses. So many experts have contributed toward the scheme, the list reads like a who's who in climbing coaching.

You can register for the scheme online, with courses  delivered around the country by an impressive group of 18 scheme providers including the likes of Katherine Schirrmacher, James McHaffie, Ian Dunn, Guy Jarvis and Tom Greenall.

Speaking at the providers' induction last week, Mountain Training's coaching development officer Martin Chester said: “It's fantastic to get all this talent together in one room. After such a lot of work over a long period, by so many people, it is great to finally be able to hand the scheme to such a talented bunch to roll out across the country. Each one of them brings some extraordinary specialist skills and a wealth of expertise.”

The Foundation Coach Award pilot courses met with huge acclaim. Jamie Holding, a coach at the North Wales Youth Climbing Academy suggested that it's no coincidence that their team leapt to third place at the Youth Climbing Series national final after their coaches took part in the pilot.

The pilot delivery of the more advanced Development Coach course also went down well. As Jon Ratcliffe, a hugely experienced coach who manages the popular wall at Indefatigable put it: “For me, personally, everything really tied in together. From all my experiences as a climber, to my progress through FUNdamentals and the physical training workshops, it has given me a holistic understanding of the whole process. I feel like this course has spiraled everything up to a whole new level, and I feel a lot more confident”

Already underway is the next phase of work, namely the development of the Performance Coach Award, a scheme suited to coaches developing the long-term performance of adult and child climbers.

Find out more and register for the scheme here.

Courses for indoor climbers making their first moves onto rock

Who are they for?

These courses are ideal for novice climbing club members, students, parents and individuals who may have had the odd taster of climbing outdoors and wish to gain key safety skills at an excellent price. They may also be a good precursor for people contemplating the Single Pitch Award training. You should already know how to put on a harness and belay. These courses are for people aged 18 or older.

Under 18?: Check out our rock climbing courses for climbers aged 11-17 

What do the courses cover?

A variety of topics will be covered during the day as well as offering a fun taster to outdoor climbing. Topics may include:

  • Types of trad climbing equipment
  • Placing good protection
  • Building good belays
  • Using guidebooks
  • Seconding/top roping 

FIND OUT MORE: Ready to Rock Courses 2022

FIND OUT MORE: Women Ready To Rock Courses 2022

FIND OUT MORE: Outdoor Sport Climbing Courses for 11-17 year olds

FIND OUT MORE: Outdoor Trad Courses for 11-17 year olds

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