Warton Main Quarry


User attention

Ravens and Peregrines have historically nested in the quarry -  expect climbing restriction in nesting season (Spring). The quarry is monitored by 'Peregrine Watch' and the local access team has a good relationship with stakeholders - restrictions are generally lifted as soon as possible and signs posted on site. 

From the 20th of January 2025  climbing restrictions will be in place for Warton Main Quarry. Vital works will be taking place to remove and treat further growth of  Cotoneaster from the cliff edge and face.

Once cotoneaster is established, it can dominate areas , out competing native flora and creating dense thickets,  they are particularly problematic on limestone cliffs, and pavements. We hope that not only will this work benefit the plantlife in the quarry but also nesting birds that need open ledges, as well as reduce the potential damage to the geology given the vast root systems. We hope that the climbing community will benefit through more accessible routes being available and reduce the risk of further instability of the cliff face. Works will be completed by mid February however the restrictions will remain in place as this is the start of the nesting period for the Ravens and Peregrine Falcon.

The Arnside & Silverdale National Landscape team appreciates your support during the restrictions.

from 20/01/2025

Huge quarry with some suspect rock - fortunately most of the climbing avoids the worst bits. Recent new sport routes on the right of the quarry are by agreement with Lancashire County Council.


Crag information
Climbing Area: North West Rock Type: Limestone
Importance: Local CRoW Land: No
Ownership: Local Authority No. of Routes: 68
Within National Park: No Year Developed: 1970
Grid Reference: SD492725

The site is part of a Local Nature Reserve and the quarry floor below Main Wall provides an important orchid habitat - please avoid this area from April-June inclusive.

There is a bolting agreement for some agreed routes from Modern Wall rightwards, any future bolting development needs to be discussed with the local BMC access rep and potentially the landowner before any work.

The roof of the cave left of Gouffle is thought to be unstable and is being monitored by Lancashire County Council. Please take care not to damage the rock or indicators measuring any movement. 

Restrictions apply from 14 February - 28 May.

Reason: Nesting Birds

During the nesting season each year, climbing in Warton Main is restricted for the whole quarry including the Terrace, to prevent disturbance of peregrines and other birds. Thank you for following the restrictions. The BMC has a good relationship with interested parties locally, birds are actively monitored and if fledging birds allow, the restrictions are lifted early.

Parking and Approach

Parking available in the quarry entrance off Crag Road. Van owners: height restricted.

Area information

Weather Information

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Unfortunately climbing on upper section during restricted period (late March) PLEASE respect the nature around you. Landowner well within rights to deny all access, and this is the sort of behaviour that could easily trigger this.